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  1. neslon

    Python Script for extracting the exterior node labels

    Maybe you can select the nodes in CAE before the analysis and create a nset. But using a script in the odb, you know how the radius of the exterior nodes change with the Z coordinate and with this in mind you can select the exterior nodes using a script.
  2. neslon

    abormal von mises stresses and peeq values

    Hi. I am using data presented in this paper "The Stress–Strain Behavior of Coronary Stent Struts is Size Dependent Ann Biomed Eng. 2003 Jun;31(6):686-91." for 316L stainless steel. Here you can find the stress-strain plot that I used (150micron curve)...
  3. neslon

    abormal von mises stresses and peeq values

    Hi all! I have an elastoplastic material defined by a Mises yield surface defined by the following input *Material, name=Mat1 *Damping, alpha=2000. *Density 7.8e-06, *Elastic 196000., 0.3 *Plastic 375., 0. 400., 0.009 500., 0.0464 600., 0.1145 676.09, 0.1965 700., 0.2474...
  4. neslon

    Using python to extract element labels/connectivity from odb element set

    Because >>> print ElemSetData.elements (openOdb(r'D:/Nelson/example/example.odb').rootAssembly.elementSets['EPOWER'].elements[0],) So try this aux = ElemSetData.elements[0] for iele in range(len(aux)): print aux[iele].label Hope it helps
  5. neslon

    No output database (ODB)

    You need to open your results using abaqus viewer. Open directly the odb file or open abaqus viewer (write that in a dos commmand window)and then open your odb
  6. neslon

    model of pelvis with sacrum ABAQUS

    You try to get some data here
  7. neslon

    Problem in extracting output with Abaqus

    If you have in the display only a certain region of the bone, not the whole bone, and then if you generate a report then that report will only have information about that certain region that is on the display. Therefore, you can generate several report files each one for each region that you...
  8. neslon

    Problem in extracting output with Abaqus

    Instead of XY data you could generate a report (Menu Bar: Report->Field Output) and work with the generated file on other software, for instance, Matlab, or you can also achieve that through python scripting.
  9. neslon

    combining models

    Good tip for doing that task in CAE.
  10. neslon

    combining models

    You can try "join" them in the inp file. It seems that you have 2 orphan meshes, so I am assuming that you have a inp file for each orphan mesh. So create one inp file with the 2 orphan meshes. *Part, name=bone1 *Node ... *Element, type=... ... *End Part *Part, name=bone2 *Node ... *Element...
  11. neslon

    Restart Analysis

    Yes, you don't need to use any model data only steps input from step nº4 until your final step.
  12. neslon

    Restart Analysis

    If you want to restart a job you need to create a restart inp () with this datalines INP file (an example): **--------------------- *Restart, read, step=3 ** STEP: step4 ** *Step, name=step4 *Dynamic, Explicit , 0.015 *Bulk Viscosity 0.06, 1.2 ** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ** ** Name: BC-BALLOON...
  13. neslon

    Unable to change current working directory

    Run dos window (Abaqus command) as administrator! Have you already tried that?
  14. neslon

    Abaqus - import mesh surface

    Thanks for your reply sdebock. I already tried *IMPORT ELSET and the result is the same. The element sets remain the same but the faces "change their number/position" with the first analysis and I also don't get why that happens. Is there any way to export mesh surfaces from odb ? Because...
  15. neslon

    Abaqus - import mesh surface

    Hello! I have an optimization problem to solve and I perform several abaqus analysis to calculate several objective functions. I have a first a analysis (explicit job) with several instances (four instances) which get deformed. Then, I perform a second analysis (a static one) using the deformed...

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