the main goal of my journal was to find faces that have the same area (or perimeter) as a reference face (just one reference face) .
but I still don't understand why the journal that you wrote is working (e.g area and perimeter appear in a listing window) while mine don't , in my journal just...
Hi ,
Try to change the line :
partSaveStatus1 = workPart.SaveAs(thePath+displayPart.Leaf+PartExt)
by this line :
partSaveStatus1 = workPart.SaveAs(IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(workPart.FullPath) & IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(workPart.FullPath) & ".igs")
Thank you ,
Working very well , i just have to change the files directory for every user ,in his own computer and that's it .
Thank you very much SvenBom .
Thanks Mark for the reply ,
Can you explain how can i save a role and then transfer it ?
I don't find any save button in the customization wizard ( Menu : Tools ----> customize ----> commands ).
I'm using NX 8.5 .
thanks .
Hi ,
I created a menu bar on my nx session with many drop down user commands (journals with explanation ) and i want to create the same menu for other users working on different computers .
is there a way to copy the menu from my pc and paste it to others ?
thank you .
Thank you BlasMolero and JohnRBaker for the information ,
for BlasMolero , i do the same as you explained , i import a Nastran bulk file to NX then i use the "face from mesh" command to create polygon faces from pshell .
the question is the possibility to pass from polygon faces to just faces...
Hi every one ,
i'm wondering if there is a way to create a part from a simulation ?
I know i can pass from sim to fem but i need to get a prt file to get full access to the UF functions like the type of surface etc..
thank you .
Hi ,
this is the journal , the problem is that area and perimeter outputs are zeros , others are working well.
Any help .
Module NXJournal
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work...
Hi ,
Can any one explain to me what's is a selection intent rule ?
i'm having problems affecting faces simply to a face collector ,i must create a selection intent rule and affect it to the face collector .
thanks for helping.
Thanks Cowski , i will work on it and i will tell you if i have any results .
and thanks Baker for the information , but i want to learn more about nxopen and i'm trying to create my own journals.
yes i was thinking the same , and i found a function that can calculate the faces area , so i can compare them to be more accurate , the functions name is UF_SF_face_ask_area , but i have difficulties to crate it .
as an answer to your question, the parts does not to be exactly similar but i...
Hi ,
i'm trying to create a journal that can detect all bodies in an assembly that have a similar geometry as a reference body ,
but it seems that i'm not progressing , any ideas ?
sorry i didn't understand , but here how it goes , i open the part as *.prt in nx , then i pass to advances simulation module so NX creates to other parts , the first is *.prt file which is called idealized part , the second is *.fem file , and all the work is done on this file (meshing the...
Thanks Cowski for the reply ,
can you explain please how can i get a reference to the component and make some changes (not only changing colors what i have in mind but also doing a mesh and create coordinate systems dependent on the suface type , but this is not the problem , my problem is i...
Hi every one , i have a small problem.
i'm trying to get faces to change color depending on the face type , but this in not the probleme i managed to do that but only when i'm working in modeling module.
i need to do the same for Advanced simulation (.fem parts) module.
i tried to change work to...