No, there is no hot water HX. The bldg. is 80'x64'.
The total steam load to the bldg. 480 #/hr
for (3)48#/hr UH, (1)18#/hr UH and
(1)314 #/hr for HV unit. The HV unit has
5120 CFM,
face velocity=640 fpm,
Entering DBT=15 F
Leaving DBT=72 F
Steam Temp.=227 F
Thank you for your help.
Hello TBP,
1 GPM all I need, what about delta T.
1 GPM=(500#/hr)/500, (500=8.3lbs/gal*60 min/hr)
GPM=(500#/h)/(20 F*500)= 500*975 BTUH/10000=48.75 GPM
How about the lift, (600'+300')for fitting, elbows*0.04=36 feet.
Best regards.
Hello All,
Please I need your help.
I have a LP-steam boiler discharge preesure 10 psig, located 600 feet from a building. The pressure entering the bldg. 5 psig. I allow 5 psig pressure drop for the run, and 5 psig to the bldg. The bldg. area 5312 sq.ft and the total steam load 480 #/hr for 3...
Hello all,
I am new in engineering field, I was loking for a formula to find a pump head, I found one: Head=total pipe length*50% for elbows and fitting * 0.04. The last term I did not know what represent.
I know the formula for head is:V sq/ 2g.
Please, does any one can tell me what the 0.04...