I need to perform a buckling analysis on a weldment at my job. There is a leg that swings, much like a clock pendulum, between two plates. We have created an I-beam type weldment to mount this leg.
In all my reading, it seems buckling is determined based on a single force. This set-up leads me...
Is there a way to balloon components that have been promoted and united in an assembly? I have a part that is only showing the item number for the base component and not the other individual components. A previous thread did raise this question, but it was never answered.
I believe I have to...
I have at least one assembly that has mating conditions leftover from NX5 days. Is there a way to search these out when working in NX? I get the notification when opening the assemblies but it is usually when I am opening higher level assemblies. Is this one of the things that I will just have...
I am working on exporting the top level assembly (complete vehicle) as a JT file. I have exported the assembly from TC and I am working in native. I have tried multiple settings, but I cannot get the JT file to be created. I do not have a problem with the sub-components. Does anyone have any...
Mr. Baker - My CADadmin has opened IR 6859896 with the file. He has indicated you will be able to get to this.
cowski - the flat pattern is multipling the mass by a factor of approximately 3.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
Mr. Baker:
The Model reference set has 1 object while the Flat_Solid reference has two. If I remove the flat pattern, the flat_solid reference becomes empty. Any thoughts?
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James...
Cowski - I agree that a flat pattern shouldn't, that is why I am flabbergasted. Supressing the flat pattern will return the mass to the same value from the measured body feature.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
Mr. Baker:
I do not have a flatten solid in the part. It is only a flat pattern.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
Mr. Baker:
The automatically calculated mass I am talking about is on the weight tab of the displayed part properties dialog box.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James...
We are running NX and I am noticing that on some parts the flat pattern is adding to the automatically calculated mass of the part. The body measurement is no affected by the flat pattern. Has anyone else come across this?
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
In an assembly if you MB3 on a part and select properties - uncheck the "Specific Component Color". This will remove any color assigned to the component in the assembly level.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
Mr. Baker:
Thanks for the clarification. I just wanted to make sure you understood what I thought he problem was. I will have the administrator get in contact with GTAC.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
Mr. Baker:
I think the wording isn't the best and that is causing your misunderstanding of the problem.
The problem is that two attributes are filled out with the same information. I have attached a screen shot of one of the problem parts. Please note that the part number and part description...
My company recently upgraded to TC8 and NX 8, along with windows 7. When I export an assembly out of TC and try to open up in native UG I get a list of parts that will not open because "The same title cannot be used on two different attributes". Is there a setting I need to change?
I have added and removed a measure body feature 3 to 4 times in this final state. All of them result in 0 values.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
This is the only place I have seen this alert. The measure bodies is used to generate the mass of the part. This mass is called out on the drawing so the number automatically updates instead of having to be manual typed in.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
I see this error in an edit rollback of a Measure Bodies feature. All the measure measurements created by the feature are listed as 0. This is in an assembly part, not a model. There are no features besides the measure bodies.
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody...
Anyone know where to find the "Remove Missing Parents" command to fix this error?
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?
- James Thurber
I am trying to import formed tubes and I continue to get this error:
I am using the import function in UG NX5 and running Windows XP with Teamcenter 2005 SR1/2007.
Does anyone have any insight?
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody...
I have been running an optimization (using the optimization wizard) on a part, now the part takes an extremely longer time to run the optimization and open and saving. Is there away to clean the part up (I have run the clean wizard)?
Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?