Is there a command that will allow you to imprint a curve on a surface. It would be a curve or multiple curves in the middle of the surface. They are not all connected, so divide face will not work. The purpose is to use it as a cutter path after exporting as a .step file.
John, if you look at your customer defaults under drafting/view/general you must have enable exact(pre-nx8.5) views selected and representation set to exact(pre-nx8.5). This fixes the ballooning problems, it also fixes not being able to filter when view dependent edit deleting from views, and...
This is exactly what I was doing. It works all the way up to NX8.5. We have sent the files to seimens support to look at and the same things happened for them with them.
In Pre-NX9 versions, in drafting I could add an ID symbol and update the parts list and the symbol would populate with the item number. In nx9 it will allow me to auto balloon, but the ID symbols will not link to the stocklist. If I open a pre-nx9 file in nx9 with a parts list and balloons it...
In pre nx9 versions I would create render sets under preferences-view-define render sets. In nx9 the whole view dialog box is changed to the drafting dialog box and I can't find the define render sets inside of it. Can someone help as to where it has been moved to.