Because this is only an example and there is a more complex problem I am working on (that I can't show) that synchronous modeling will not be able to solve. I only wanted to see if it was possible and if so, how. If it is not that is ok I will just need to create each feature, I was only...
In the example, the parent feature is a rectangular cutout. The cutout is instanced a number of times and each child has identical dimensions. What I want to do is, after the feature has been instanced, change the dimensions of the CHILD FEATURES ONLY. In the example, it would be Dimensions A...
My mistake, NX7.5
I realize that is a way I can do it, but there are some things that synchronous modeling will not allow control over in the way I would like it handled. I am guessing it is not possible.
To describe it a little more, imagine if I defined an expression for an angle of a...
Is there a way to pattern/instance a feature in a way that I can adjust ONLY the parameters of the instanced features? For example, I pattern a hole linearly. They are spaced evenly apart, but I want to change the hole size of only one hole, and not the hole that was used to create the...
I am trying to create something new as I am unable to edit the existing set of curves. I would also like to note that I don't think the curves are part of a sketch as I am unable to adjust any parameter of them and cannot see a sketch in the part navigator.
NX version 7.5: I am editing an existing drawing I did not make myself, but I am trying to edit a view boundary for an existing view. The boundary has been set by a set of curves (lines and arcs) that are dependent on the view itself and move with the view. I understand you can create a sketch...