I will reply to myself because i found the solution!
There is a Result system in ANSYS workbench, it can compare the results of 2 simulations or more. After combing all results run the simulation and export data.
Jessi M.
Is it possible to compute the difference beween 2 results in ANSYS workbench? for example, from simulation1 results and simulation2 results we somehow subtract the results to get the error?
Thanks alot!!
Jessi M.
I am new to workbench and i just need to know if its possible to join 2 simulations in 2 different files to one simulation in a new file.. and if its not possible then how can i transfer the result of for example (Static structural simulation to another static structural simulation) in the same...
I have a suggestion. Maybe if you know Solidworks you can import the geometry there and change those component to one entity. Then your work would be VERY easy on ANSYS.
Jessi M.
I have a solution concerning the workbench I dont know whether it would help you, You can export the nodes list from the solution of the simulation and in that list there are the numbers and coordinates of each point.. you can select the nodes if you select the option >select mesh and next to it...
I heard that the series of "Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench" is good.. I saw that almost all versions exist 14 is one of them.. So maybe u can start there! am not sure if theres a free version online but when i checked ANSYS workbench 13 was for free with also videos and...