mtu1972, I like your idea of using the senior design project to get credit for learning timber design. I will look into that possiblity. Your advice is always so constructive and creative. Thank you.
racookpe1978, I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying a degree in construction engineering...
MarkHirschi, they were just recently accredited, as they couldn't even be considered until they had a graduating class. It won't show on the ABET website until they update their system in October. And yes, I will be verifying before I go there, but I see no reason for them to lie about that...
I'm told by the adviser at this college that most programs can't fit specialized courses like Timber and Masonry into their programs under the new guidelines for broad civil engineering programs. It used to be more common to be able to specialize in, say structural engineering, as an...
mtu1972, Thanks for taking the time to look at the curriculum, and for your overall positive comments. You are right, relocation isn't really an option. Even so, I wanted to know whether this program was a totally wrong fit. It sounds like you think I could make it work for me, and that in...
This is a followup thread to Planning My Career at 40. (Thanks so much to those who have me some great ideas in the last thread).
I'm planning to return to school in 2 years to get a degree in civil engineering. I am most interested in structural engineering. The problem is, I've started to...
mtu1972, I was actually quite disappointed that this university didn't offer a course in wood, not even realizing that some do. I know it isn't really that important for the larger industrial buildings, but I do love wood, and I would have enjoyed that class. Since you brought it up, I searched...
Ron, thanks for the encouragement! Good to hear you still love your job. I have read how others hate their current job, not so much because they hate the field, but because they feel stuck in a position that doesn't allow them to use or develop their skills in the way they desire. Since you...
oldestguy, I like your idea of contacting construction firms to ask for a quick tour. Do you have any tips for what to say or who to ask for when calling? Or would it be better to email? Thanks for giving me a good visual of what types of work is involved in your field. Did your university...
oldestGuy and brandon,
Coming from a construction oriented family and the only girl in a family 7, I feel right at home on a construction site around a bunch of men. One of the things that attracted me to Civil was the idea that I'd get to visit the site once a week or so. I've worked from a...
Jboggs, you asked why not Mechanical? I'm just not as interested in machines as I am with structures. Whenever I enter a building, I find myself trying to figure out how it is built. I don't do that with machines.
Thanks for all the great responses everyone. You've given me some things to think about. I'm still wondering though whether I should bother getting an AAS in drafting. Will it help me land an entry level position, or would it be a waste of time? Perhaps just "a" class in CAD would be...
I hope it's okay that I've joined this forum. I'm not yet an engineer. Until now I've been content to lurk, but I am having trouble planning my career path, and would love some input from those already working as engineers. If my post here is inappropriate, feel free to delete it, and I will...