Thank you for the suggestions.
I have found a wonderful case study regarding cranes' life expectancy by HAAG Engineering.
I'm going to raise (pun intended?) some of the points made for cranes with the ride industry. I expect a rebuttal.
For anyone else interested, here is the link.
This inquiry is with regards to operating and maintaining machines/rides, not building. You are correct each state has their own requirements and inspections for amusement park and carnival rides. However, each state uses the ASTMs as a guide for their own requirements.
I work for the...
Appreciate the response Ed.
Yes I am talking about predictive maintenance.
Yes it is safety driven.
Specifically, I'm researching this for amusement park rides. There are many ASTM standards for rides, but none with regards to predictive maintenance. This is why I am asking for other industry...
Does an ASTM standard exist, across any industry, for a duration before components need to be NDTed?
For instance, if I have a machine that has a maintenance schedule which requires magnetic particle testing (MT) of a specific area once yearly, I am trying to find out if there are any existing...