Referring to a flat slab construction.. With the column designed to higher concrete grade than the slab, current detail shows pouring the portion of the slab around the column with concrete of grade same as that of the column. This is quite difficult to implement on site. Can anyone lead me to...
In BS8110, section striking period for cast in situ concrete, it is stated that formwork supporting cast in situ concrete in flexure may be struck when the strength of the concrete in the element is 10 N/mm2 or twice the stress to which it will be subjected, whichever is greater...
In several texts, I found the usual striking time for slab formwork (replaced with backprop) is 3 days. That's too early to get 75%. What could be the basis for this guide?
A method of calculating the required strength of concrete to strike the slab formwork as described in CIRIA 136 is by taking the ratio of the slab selfweight + construction loads to the design loads in comparison with the design concrete strength. I am however dealing with thick transfer slabs...
Thanks for all your inputs :)
What is the usual or the good practise rate of concrete rise to use for a wall with single sided form like this? 2m/hr? Slowing it down, say 1m/hr could lessen the pressure but could that introduce a cold joint?
I am designing the bottom tie support of a single sided formwork with A-frame. I have calculated the horizontal reaction force due to concrete lateral pressure. Can anyone lead me to a reference on how to calculate the vertical force due to uplift?