Hello everyone,
I have a large assembly and I want to run an interference check on. The run time is fine and it completes in a few minutes. My question being, is there anyway (at the part level) to set a specific part as "ignored" so the interference detection does not pick it up. I am having...
Hello everyone, hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I am currently aggregating all possible information regarding clearance hole sizing for a fixed fastener calculator. See image below.
All of the values in the tables are based off ASME B18.2.8-1999 which can also be found...
We do have a tolerance block that has .XX and .XXX but this generally only relates to dimensions shown in the drawing view. I've been told that its generally good practice to have DATUMs in the drawing view for inspection.
YES THAT ALL MAKES SENSE. Wow that took awhile to finally understand haha. So with that said, it sounds like I definitely do not want to specify DATUMs in the general profile tolerance because there is a potential for parts to be flagged during inspection due to the fact that I made the General...
I guess what I mean is, if I specify DATUMS in the general tolerance, the profile tolerance is based off DATUMS, effecting where the true envelope will lie on the part? Meaning the envelope with be oriented via the DATUMS VS there being an envelope based of the nominal part (when the profile...
This makes complete sense!
My only question is about the following sentence:
If a cube has the "bottom" surface as DATUM A, why wouldn't it have a profile tolerance band of 0.2. Is this because its outer tolerance zone (the 0.1 tol zone larger than nominal) is constrained by fixturing so the...
We are a relatively small company and design is a little all over the place when it comes to inspection and manufacturing. I have been implementing standardization across a lot of different avenues in hopes force designers to use standardized methods. I understand that there is no real way to...
Just to be 100% clear, does this pose any issue if I am specifying DATUMs on every part. Does it still make sense to do an ALL OVER callout with a [general profile without DATUMs] even though I am specifying DATUMs on the part? Sorry if this has already been talked about!
Just to be clear, because I am a little confused...
General Profile Tolerance Options
ALL OVER [PT of .010 ABC]
ALL OVER [PT of .010]
[PT of .010 ABC]
[PT of .010]
it was to my knowledge that an ALL OVER callout was mandatory when referring to the entire part. I am not sure...
For more information regarding REFERENCE DIMENSIONS.
There is a very specific reason we do not put BASIC dimensions on the drawing when we are referring to the general profile tolerance. I understand that normally if you are trying to reference the general profile tolerance you would want to...
This is all super helpful and I appreciate everyone taking time out of their day to help me! THANK YOU!
So we have discussed that saying PARTIALLY DEFINED DRAWING is technically the wrong terminology and should be something...
"When you apply profile all-over the true profile is the entire part, defined by basic geometry (as queried from the cad model in your case). In that case, a datum reference frame is redundant. Maybe it's not really all-over?"
So we call out an all over profile tolerance so that any dimension...
Good afternoon fellow engineers. I had a quick question regarding the contents of this drawings GENERAL NOTES. I want to know if anything that I defined in the general drawing notes directly violates anything withing ASME Y14 Standards.
Every part will be sent to a manufacturer with a STEP...
This is all super helpful. Generally speaking my company tries to keep to ASME Y14 standards, but recently someone said specifically that BOMS and General Notes should be on the first sheet and all subsequent drawing sheets should reference the first sheet. I wasn't sure if that was a ASME Y14...
Good afternoon everyone! Hope everyone is well!
I have a question regarding what is allowed on a continuation page. Am I allowed to have a "General Notes Block" like I would have on the primary / first page? With that said, do all flag notes have to relate to the first page or can I have a...