IR: "Might try running some steel wool along the track connections in A-B"
With the track energized :)
"It's the questions that drive us"
Here is a NOAA synopsis of the microburst event:
"It's the questions that drive us"
Our heat pump goes into a defrost cycle to prevent buildup when it occasionally gets below freezing here. But the coldest lows I have endured are the mid 20's so I can't speak for performance issues below that.
"It's the questions that drive us"...
My Mavic Air 2 drone can follow a target via the video camera, I never have tried it though
Looks like the golf caddy uses vision too.
"It's the questions that drive us"
SSR's can have a leakage current of several mA so it may not work.
"It's the questions that drive us"
I am not familiar with Etalon, but I have bought these in the past:!2966!3!335651903214!p!!g!!293-130-10&gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2296:AB578S:20500731&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI18S8idPZ_QIVexqtBh1VTAy2EAAYAiAAEgJ-1fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
See pages 10-11 and 16 for HP and IR, slso some good safety/operator guidelines in there.
It's been a few decades since I performed such tests. We used Slaughter units (now SCI?), I found it amusing that their tagline was 'Slaughter, The Pro Testers'
Requirement of 500VAC for HP seems rather...
The ride is being taken down:
"It's the questions that drive us"
Depends upon the environment (temp/humidity/vibration).
Double sided tape- provides insulation and adhesion.
"It's the questions that drive us"
Their EUV stepper is a very impressive and massive machine, I have seen one up close at one of their facilities.
Our company makes the critical nozzle that ejects the tin droplets.
"It's the questions that drive us"
Where in AZ? Just curious, I am west of Phoenix.
"It's the questions that drive us"
Don't forget to add external back EMF suppression devices if such is not provided internally on the output module.
"It's the questions that drive us"
Yep, the farmers in Pinal County, AZ, are going to take a big hit in loss of water.
AZ volunteered to be the first in line to give up some water rights in order to have the Fed fund the construction of the Central Arizona Project (a very long canal that taps off the the Colorado river to...
Just a thought for a quick test- try removing the chain from the pedal sprocket and repeat the slow pedal movement.
Wonder if you are picking up extraneous noise from the sprockets/chain system?
"It's the questions that drive us"...
Good thing they were trained whales....
"It's the questions that drive us"
I don't see a single green wire (typically earth ground) in that enclosure.
"It's the questions that drive us"
Well, start with responsibilities in the description...
Potential major contribution area- 'opportunities for improvement' (design for testability, improve product yields, increase test throughput, validations, improve documentation, procedures, create training videos...)
Been doing this for 33...
Finally a full-featured version of LabVIEW and NXG is free for community use, please read restrictions- not for commercial/academic use:
"It's the questions that...