What about the part that states spreadsheets are full of errors? Is this a ligitimate claim? Why do engineers keep reinventing and re writing programs for tasks that have been done before shouldn't they be capturing this knowledge and reusing others knowledge via software?
Has any one pursued the new Calculation Management method and tools that MathSoft is offreing? What does everyone think is this the wave of the future?
Sorry I would use TK Solver 5 over either of the above program. It gets you an answer faster( Less steps) and now it documents to. Oh and it's even cheaper www.uts.com You can try it for free.
MathLook for Excel will find all the formulas in an existing spreadsheet and convert to 2d formulas like from a text. It also renames cell names. Check it out at www.uts.com
Hi Folks
When working in SolidWorks does anyone run into the need to do complex math such as Stress,Fluid Flow,or other Engineering calculations?
Do the results of those equations result in changes to the solid model?
If so how do you do it now?
Is it easy to tie in an Excel Spreadsheet for...
One further sugestion Mathlook for Excel an Add-In is available which not only displays the formulas as you see them in a textbook but also will display the dependant cells as a single formula. Tech street offers this tool.
One other reason for true involute drawings is plastic or powder metal gearing. It is used to create the mold .
Madness UTS has programs that calculate the assembleability of planetary gearing. www.uts.com
TK does all of the above plus has backsolving and the 7th edition of Roark. and costs less.
If you want the formulas like mathcad in excel spend $99 and get MathLook for Excel.
There is a addin which sells for $49 called Mathlook For Excel which will display formulas and assist in renaming. It also will display associated formulas as one formula.
try googling MathLook For Excel