Hi Paul,
We tried and strugled with the Mazak software. We installed SigmaNest for both our 2D work and Pipe cutting. Excellent software.Contact Glen Gray @ Digital Profile Services. Ph 06 355 5048, for more info.
I had a feeling you were with Buckley Systems. Whats happening with that Bike of...
Check your cutting speeds, if they are to fast the drives can over run slightly causing oval holes and wobbles at corners. Also check to see if the parts aren't moving in the sheet as they are being cut, as parts are cut from the sheet it will loose it's structure and can move as the bed...
Hi Gary,
We run a 2kw Mazak Laser, and I for one think it is a very good machine. The software sucks, but I have replaced that with SigmaNest software which I highly recommend and other than that we have had very little trouble with it. It is now close to 12000 hrs and we are just looking now...
Hi Buckley,
My name is not caren, its Dale. Bit of a slip up when I joined.
All my 3D programming is done on the machine, by mapping 2D programs onto the 3D surface using the teachbox supplied.
We looked at the Mazak software but the price was over the top.
I once looked at Surfcam, but the...
We have a SpaceGear48, that I have been running for approx 3 years.
I havn't found many solutions to the problem you mentioned.
As you start cutting bevels, your material thickness increases so your cutting conditions have to compensate for that(ie more power,slower feed rate.)but as the angle...
Hi Jammie,
What is the assist gas you are using for cuttin. You mention Oxy for piercing, are you using it for cutting as well?
You may be able to set a offset when piercing to lift the tip higher, I would recommend 2mm. If you still have problems you could try step piercing, I use this on...
Hi Ben,
I think the Mazak machines use a Mitsubishi resonator for the laser generation, but I wasn't aware that Mitsubishi do a Laser Cutter.
I use Sigmanest software from SigmaTek, for all my nesting and programing. It's great. Has a lot of features for common line cutting and bridging of...
You could try going over the etech twice, if you can't get deep enough the frist time around.
Really good to hear from another SpaceGear Operator.
We have a SpaceGear 48mk1, that I have operated for about 3 years now.
Wouldn't mind swaping some stories at some stage?
Hi out their.
I have been running a Mazak Space Gear48, for 3 years now. I am seeking anyone else, with exprerence on these machines, to swap info, faults, tips etc.
Our machine hrs are up to 10,000, so some information on possible problems to look out for, would be great.
Hi there,
we have a Mazak 5 axis Laser, and I have had the same problem with finding programing solutions.
Mazak sell a 3D programe suite, but it is very expensive and knowing their other software products, it's more than likely very compilcated.
I purchased some 2D and Rotary programing...
Laser cutting PE coated sheet is very common, and so is this problem.
There is , unfortunitly, not much you can do, if the P.E has a low grip adhevsive. The gas pressure will get under it and blow it up. You can try to do a pre burn at the pierce point. This can seal the film around the...
Hi Their,
We recently purchase SigmaNest software. Excellent product and expandable with lots of options and add on's.
The CAD fetures are OK but the nesting and programing are superb.
We also purchased Rotary laser cutting software from them as well.