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  1. sodengineer

    Apollo Spacecraft Launch Adapter and S$B stability.

    <<Also, the S4B stage did have attitude control (Wiki says: 2x APS Modules), so perhaps those were used to ensure attitude stability. Speculation.>> That makes some sense. I knew it had ullage motors, but I did not know it had attitude control. I guess I never saw them (or never had them...
  2. sodengineer

    Apollo Spacecraft Launch Adapter and S$B stability.

    Thank you both. Maybe this is a cement headed civil asking, but I still don't understand how the panels were ejected perfectly every time. I know on Apollo 7 one of the panels did not open all the way. So why did that not cause the spent 3rd stage to start to wobble or rotate? Again, more of an...
  3. sodengineer

    Apollo Spacecraft Launch Adapter and S$B stability.

    Hello Aerospace Engineers- A discussion between some civil engineers the other day has prompted this question. During the Apollo mission, during transposition and docking to remove the LM, what kept the S4B stable, especially if one of the panels hung up? As I understand it, the third stage is...
  4. sodengineer

    Spillway design

    Castro 77- First, please improve your writing skills. The use of "u" and "i" and poor spacing between sentences is annoying.[3eyes] I don't know what a warth dam is (maybe we call it something else out here.) WRT the design flood, that is determined by the hazard classification. Here we...
  5. sodengineer

    runway turn pads

    Do you have a specific airplane you need to accomodate? Contact the manufacturer. He will have the dimensions needed to accomodate that airframe. (Then make things just a bit larger to make it easier on the people in the pointy end.) The length and wingspan are important, but the wheelbase...
  6. sodengineer

    PE scoring method

    Francesa and Mike- I couldn't agree more. Getting the PE is like a series of succesively lower bars. The first and most difficult is the four year degree. A very high bar to entry. The next is the EIT. Difficult but not as difficult as the four year degree (if you paid attention and learned...
  7. sodengineer

    Soil stabilization

    Synthetic turf?
  8. sodengineer

    Can I store Propane Tanks in a boiler room?

    We installed propane tanks for propane fired generators at a dam several years ago. As I recall, it is the Uniform Fire Code, or maybe the Uniform Building Code that governs the storage of propane tanks. Try your State Fire Marshall's Office, they can probably point you in the right direction.
  9. sodengineer

    Reservoir Fencing

    I attended a seminar many years ago where it was stated that there are more drownings in fenced ponds than in unfenced ponds. (This was a seminar on stormwater detention.) Evidently, the water behind the fence becomes an attraction during a storm. Of course when it is dry, it isn't an issue...
  10. sodengineer


    First, don't confuse Toastmasters with Dale Carnegie. The Carnegie course is a one time shot. Toastmasters is a continuing education. Virtually everyone I know who has completed the Dale Carnegie course has stated thatat the end they tell you to check out Toastmasters. Save yourself a few $thou...
  11. sodengineer

    Minimum Temperature to Pave with Asphalt

    Up in Wyoming, back when I was working in the field, the spec was ambient temp of 35F and rising before October 15. After October 15, ambient temp had to be 40F and rising. FWIW.
  12. sodengineer

    Pipe anchor blocks

    Hello I'm looking for design criteria for anchor blocks that are used to anchor what we call "trickle tubes" in dams. These are essentially a 12 or 18 inch pvc pipe that is located about 5 feet below the crest of a dam. The tube runs on a slight slope then generally parallels the downstream...
  13. sodengineer

    Question about Top Secret Security Clearance

    Part of the deal about keeping your mouth shut is self preservative. If you spout what you know, then someone can find out that you have access. Everyone who has TS has been through the "its on the news" event. But, you may know just a bit more than is no the news. Just my $.02.
  14. sodengineer

    Aircraft Hangar Apron Grades

    WARNING-SIDE NOTE! If you have ever had to push a Cessna 182 back into a hangar, you know that .5% is the max you want to push. I'm not a small man, and it is about all I can do to push it back into the hangar. I don't know how the smaller women do it. I have actually looked into putting a...
  15. sodengineer

    Siphon flow over a dam

    sorry for the thread creep, but when the OP stated hypolimnetic water, does he mean just the stuff below the thermocline, or will the inlet of the pipe just be at toe of the wet side of the dam? In other words is this a way of draining an old reservoir (as a safety valve), or will the siphon be...
  16. sodengineer

    Test Reimbursement

    Ahem, welcome to the world of "professional." Take a deep breath, suck it up. Act like a professional. Getting that PE is part of your education and qualification. As a professional, you will always have responsibilities greater than the technicians. I paid for every part of mine out of...
  17. sodengineer

    BSME in email signature?

    Another look at things: Would you sign John Smith Podunk Law School 2009? John Smith BA Liberal Arts? I say nope, the only qualification is PE. When you get your PE, you will understand why that is. Until then, keep your hand down, mouth shut, eyes and ears open. This is from person who is...
  18. sodengineer

    Software for finding area from a pdf provided cross section

    Here is another old school solution. If you can create a set of coordinates for each point (use any aribtrary scale, just be sure you can create a coordinate for each vertex.) Then, by use of the irregular cross section area algorithim, you can compute double the volume, then just divide by 2...
  19. sodengineer

    How to Prepare a Construction Schedule?

    If you work in the northern climates, construction time is based on the length of the season. Another way of making a "back of the envelope" estimate is based on dollars/time. How long did the last project take vs how much did it cost? Very crude indeed, but it is a way of making a quick...
  20. sodengineer

    Shuttle Replacement Parts

    Relax...I wasn't trying to start a fire. Save your flaming posts for elsewhere. I was just curious what a typical turnaround involved. I wasn't interested in the costs or the merits of one spacecraft versus another. Since you are unclear, please let someone with more insight resond. Thanks