You can see one exapmple for FSI couping under acoustic in ansys help.You are going to have three domains.One is cavity which will be meshed with fluid element with structure absent ,other domain which is in between structure and splid which will be meshed with structure present and other domian...
You can search in Ansys help with key word FSI.They had given a example of piston movement and flow due to that.
Surya Prakash
Project Manager
most of the suction and discharge muffler of compressor design acoustic analysis shows not much effect of flow.As greg mentioned more noise at higher flow rates due to stronger pulsation,if you can measure discharge pulsations for bothe the cases if it is si,ilar,muffler designed for higher mass...
You can use Ansys -Flotran for this application.Even it can support conjugate heat transfer.But you have to take radiation also consideration ,beacuase in display units the load will be maximum Surya Prakash
Project Manager
you convert model in to meters using scaling down the model and apply all propperties in SI units dencity kg/cu.m,velocity m/sec etc.Then you will get results in pascals.if you want to know the units in SI ,serach in ansys help ,units as key word. Surya Prakash
Project Manager...
you can apply through force/moment(nothing but torque depending upon axis) you have to choose along whch axis the moment will be applied by which we can consider as torque.