Thanks for the answer. Take a look at the attached picture to find out what I mean by "diapason selection".http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=685dc572-0045-4e37-8353-8a28abb90fdb&file=FR_Explanation.JPG
I can change feed rates like engage, rapid, approach etc.
But How to change feed rate in cutting area?
For example I need feed rate change at some points of cutting area :
I tried to do it with "Tool Path"->"Edit" but there is no diapason selection there I can change feed rate only one...
According to instructions I placed "PB_CMD_combine_rotary_init" to "Program Start Sequence", "PB_CMD_combine_rotary_output" to "Linear Move", but I'm a little confused where to place "PB_CMD_combine_rotary_check"?
# This function will only work with NX3 or later.
# Add the follow line...
I defined tool axis and projection as you had explained before (toward line -> center of rotation ), also I used pb_cmd_combine_rotary.tcl to reduce number of rotary coordinates.
Intol / Outtol set to default = 0.03
I uploaded part example(NX6), post and post output...
I have problem with 4-axis post. When I mill cylinder (for example) with variable contour method I have the following :
N0088 B0.0
N0089 Y9.563
N0090 B112.5
N0091 Y9.562 B120.
N0092 Y9.563 B135.
N0093 Y9.562 B150.
N0094 Y9.563 B165.
N0095 Y9.562 B180.
N0096 B210.
N0097 Y9.563 B270.
As you can...
Is it possible to scale part in postprocessor? For example I design part in NX with scale 1:1 but want to manufacture it with scale 2:1. Does postbuilder have such a function or I must do it only at modeling stage?
I have a problem milling part with conical (mill) cutter. I use variable contour method.
Take a look at the picture and attached part below:
large image
I have a problem with scale a curve proportionally with a body.
I explain in more detail:
1. I created thread using Swept method.
2. I manufactured it with "Variable Countour" method using "Curve/Point" drive and selected my helix which I had created in previous step.
3. I need...
I need to model this part :
I'm trying to use Revolve and and Extrude :
The question is How to trim unnecessary pieces? or maybe I should use another methods to model this part?