An electromagnetic drum is not likely an improvement over what he has. In the sizes of ferrite drums typically used for aggregate processing an electromagnetic solution is not available.
What you will be considering is a drum made with rare earth magnets. There are at least two different RE...
What you have sketched will not work. There used to be a product called FailSafe that did what you want. They don't seem to list it on their website any more. A PM product called Safehold can be motorized to drop the object. Alternatively use a battery backup to power your electromagnet.
If you don't have a drain for the current the voltage spike will eventually cause a winding failure in your magnet. And eventually can be a rather short amount of cycles. We have them integral on 40 watt lift magnets.
Drop controllers are used with lift magnets of all sizes. Particulary in rather automated systems. This particular brand I have no experieince with. Hubbell also has some.
Some controls actually drive the magnet negative to discharge/drop faster.
Safe? Never had what I thought of as safety...
The equipment you are running is designed for 540 or 1000 rpm. Running a mower or blower designed for 540 at 1000 is not a good idea. Your Dad was running the tractor engine slower to save fuel. So the output speed was the same. The slower running engine had less power so it stalled under load...
If you have modified the feeder without the manufacturers assistance you may have reduced it's effectiveness. These types of feeders are tuned to the weight of the tray and base. Adding weight to the tray with the steel plates can cause yourself more problems.
Often a large magnet is placed...
The orders in my barn is stack it so it doesn't touch the roof. We are definitly stacking ten layers high. I have seen it much higher in some barns. The farmer and engineer in me conflict on this subject. I've only been doing this the last fifteen years of this barn's 110 year life. So it is not...
Infolytica is running a 2D solution while I'm typing this. I've used Magnet since the days of '286 and only 2D. Often (but not always) transient solutions can be done in a step wise 2D fashion. We did a lot with 2D when it was all we had.
Do you want to move them or flocculate them, the nano particles.
If you look up the spec for the probe you hvae used and then make a running average of your FEA results you will find the answers closer together.
In general having learned how to use FEA to give me results I can measure I no...
While ceramic magnets are generally considered to resist corrosion heated deionized water mixed with hydrogen gas would be rather agressive. I'd lean towards the magnets 'rusting'. What is the resistivity of your deionized water when you start?
I suspect you are not actually measuring or reporting the vectors or vector sum quite the way you think you are. Similar to what would happen with a unidirectional probe that is not rotated to find a peak or perpendicular to the flux lines.
Magnetic levitation is very unstable. As you have begun to understand the response time in your electromagnets is an issue. There is only going to be one 'sweet' spot here and the forces that want to move the object out of that are much faster than your electromagnets can respond.
One of my qualifications of a vendor is if they can provide a decent B-H curve with temperatures. If they ask me what that is we do not need to continue the conversation. Any good vendor as MagMike suggests can provide the curves.
Your steel saturates from the flux generated by the permanent magnet. I believe you can see that in the FEMM solution you posted. Although I don't know the scale value of the colors shown.
A curve for 1018 steel will begin to show saturation at maybe 16000 gauss and start getting serious at...
Thermoflux is a soft magnetic material not a PM.
Not saturating the magnet but saturating the steel circuit. If the steel is saturated then as temperature effects the PM the resultant field changed is muted. In other words the steel carries only so much flux. And changes in the generated flux...
All the common magnet materials have a temperature coefficient much greater than your spec.
Do you have a link to the Thermoflux Sheets. Google didin't turn up anything that made sense to me.
One technique to reduce the effect of the magnet changing with temperature would be to saturate your...