Can someone please confirm that I am designing the ridge beam correctly for the following?
26' wide building with a metal roof with a 12:12 pitch (unobstructed, slippery slope).
The rafter span is 18.5'.
My roof snow load is 17.3 psf which I got from the following:
Pf=0.7 x Ce x Ct x I x Pg...
As the homeowner doesn't want to spend a lot of money I am thinking instead of making it a cathedral ceiling he would be better of just installing some framing material to attach the sheetrock to. Would it be ok for him to install 2x6 sistered to the logs and have the ceiling be at the height...
What if larger (2x6 or something) were used for the collar ties? Could they be moved up then? Is there somewhere I can get more information regarding collar ties and where they should be located? Thanks.
BAretired, thanks for the input.
Is the dimensioned lumber doing much from a structural aspect? The owner would like to remove the dimensioned lumber so he can have a catherdral ceiling. Would it be better to just move the dimensioned lumber up higher and have his ceiling be a trapezoid...
Does anyone know where I can find a good design guide for rafters, ridge beams, collar ties, etc.? Preferable something online that I can download but a book would be good also. Thank you.
Here is another picture showing the bottom of the log rafters.
Here is a picture looking up at the existing structure. I will add a couple more photos from different views. Thanks.
The span is 18.5' and the metal roof can be considered an unobstructed slippery slope.
I arrived at the 17.3 psf snow load by using the following
Pf=0.7 x Ce x Ct x I x Pg
Pf=0.7 x 0.9 x 1 x 1 x 55
Pf=34.65 psf
Ps=Cs x Pf
Ps=.5 x 35.65
Ps=17.3 psf
There is a collar tie at the top of the...
Currently there are 5" dia. logs (18.5 feet long) spaced 36" o.c. being used as rafters for a building with a 12:12 pitch and a metal roof. The owner wants to add a sheetrock ceiling so he wants to sister a 2x to the log so he can run his furring strips and install sheetrock. Below are my...
I was going to ask about the connection to the posts. The building I saw the other day used two 2x12 and the end of each 2x12 was in the center of the 6x6 post. There were about 5 nails attaching the 2x12 to the post. I would think it would be much easier to nail the 2x12 to the post.
If I...
OHIOMatt ,
The building is going over water treatment equipment so I would say it is a category I building with an un-obstructed slippery surface with a 6:12 roof pitch. Where do you see that the snow load can be reduced to 24.4 psf? Thanks.
Someone asked me to take a look at the plans just to see what I thought but I don't have much experience with these types of buildings. I am really just trying to learn for my own sake.
How do I account for a reduction in snow loading?
4thorns, what load can a 2x6 laid flat handle? Where...
See attached picture of the plans.
The guy who drew the plans shows a 2x8 (12' long) on each side of the 6x6 post. The trusses will sit on these two 2x8. The snow load in my area is 55 psf. Based on this the load on the beam will be 55 psf x 19.5 ft (bldg is 39 feet wide so 19.5 is half) =...
oldestguy, so if I understand you correctly you are saying I should run my floor joists in a north-south direction so they bear on the north wall. My trusses will be in the east-west direction.
Thanks for all the replies.
darthsoilsguy2, why would a cantilever footing be needed for the north wall? The north, east and west walls will be concrete walls with footings.