Thanks for the information, lables are the issue or should I say the lack of them. The person I replaced was replace for a reason and I understand one of the reasons was record keeping. Since that API code is for Fiber Glass vessels is there anything for plastic. Again thank you...
Could someone push me in the right direction? I have plastic vessels in a chemical plant some are storage tanks, filters and some are pressure vessels. Is ASME Section X the only place I need to be looking? Does API have something that is simular? What I'm needing is to figure out what the build...
Thanks for the confirmation. This forum is nice place to bounce issues off of since I don't have a counterpart to bounce my impetrations off of.
Here is my question: If we would purchase the SWPS (AWS) procedures to replace our 25 plus years old WPS procedures would this require that all our welders requalify to the new SWPS procedures? Reading Section IX Art. V on pages 204-205 is states that the company must run one coupon to qualify...
Here is my question: If we would purchase the SWPS (AWS) procedures to replace our 25 plus years old WPS procedures would this require that all our welders requalify to the new SWPS procedures? Reading Section IX Art. V on pages 204-205 is states that the company must run one coupon to qualify...
We were just puchased by another company. Do we have to added the new companies name to our procedures? I know from what I read we don't have to requalify them but is there anything other than what I asked that we need to do?
Wekdtel and QC Robert, No not concerned with the welders welds but, he seems to be pushing to no longer to be a welder. Me being a Retired-Navy NDT guy I was used to a welder meeting the J-1 Jeger chart vision test requirements and not being able to identify any requirement had me thinking I was...
I couldn't find one, either. I know that US Mil-STD's and AWS have them, but nothing in ASME other than ones for NDT/NDI/NDE inspectors. Thanks for the second look.
If anyone knows where in the section IX I can find something about Eye testing requirements for welder could they please direct me. I've beeen through the standard and I am unable to locate any requirements. Thanks
Hey, Guys,
Here is a question for you does anyone have any sort of guideline or inspection sheets for conducting the inspection of chemical plant structures in the USA. The Chief engineer came to us today and asked us about a five year inspection; we were not aware of anything and they did not...
Ok, I did check and see which ones that applied to our work in the sec IX. But I guess I need to go back and read some more about the demonstration requirements. Thanks for the input, it's great to have another point a view, since I'm the only one here that has any sort of welding knowledge...
I'm looking to update our welding procedures. We are a chemical plant with both product and power piping.The reason I'm replacing them is because they were all proven in 1981 or 1998. All of our work is covered in ASME B31.1 and B31.3 or an API.
This part is all new to me, I'm reitired US Navy...
To start with I'm a fromer Navy NDT inspector and ASME is really a lot less restrictive. I'm in a learning curve. LOL
My question is where exactly are the acceptance information of a welders qual? I really didn't see out right accepatance in the Sec. IX or V. I'm trying to detremine max weld...