- Feb 18, 2010
- 9
I have a client that has a small hydro generating setup. It's about 30 years old and experiencing some problems. I think there are a few areas of the design that may need fixing. Some of this is outside what I deal with typically, and I would like you guys and gals to give me your opinion.
The system runs parallel to the grid. All of the water side items seem to work correctly, so I will focus on the power side. The generator is a 250kw 3 phase induction motor, labeled for generator use (by GE). It is connected for 480V. This goes to a contactor to connect it to the line, fuses, current monitoring, in-phase/in-voltage monitor, revenue metering, and then out to a transformer. There is also a capacitor that is brought on or off line for PFC (I think). Electrically speaking, the generator is hooked up just as you would a DOL motor starter, except with fuses instead of OL's.
The 480V heads to a pad-mount transformer(300 KVA, 12470Y/7200-480 Delta, 1.9% impedance), and here is where things get a little uncertain for me. 480V goes in on the delta side of the transformer (X1, X2, X3). 12kv comes out of the Wye side (H1, H2, H3). H0 is tied to the building/site ground through a resistor and 12KV/120V single phase transformer arrangement. The 120V winding feeds a voltage relay which I believe opens the contactor when voltage goes above a threshold. The 12kv lines go underground 300', and are connected through fused cutouts (with lightning Arrestors) to the 12kV grid.
So, what problems have we had-
-Hydro plant is running, owner is present fine tuning controls
- A 480V lightning arrestor shorted out. It was unfused so a lot of current and sparks flowing. The owner was present and disconnected the system at a 480V disconnect just before the transformer. The lightning arrestor was connected on the line side, so it kept burning up! The rest of the 480V equipment is disconnected at this point
-Transformer starts thumping, lightning arrestor still burning up
-After about 5 minutes, one of the fused cutouts blows out, everything stops.
-Upon removing the lightning arrestor, and refusing the cutout...fuse blows immediately
-Not sure on a plan of action at this point. I have meggered all 480V wiring and equipment, tested fine
After reading all this, and thanks to anybody who got this far- what problems do you see with this setup? I am concerned that there is no grounding of the 480V side of this system so L-G voltages could become elevated. That may be why the 480V lightning arrestor shorted out. Could this have triggered a fault in the transformer? Would a transformer fault only take out one fuse on the 12kV side? Is this how these are usually grounded?
We are thinking of having an oil analysis done on the transformer, but are hesitant to bring out a firm to test the underground cabling as it is $3500+ My gut says the transformer is faulting to ground, but I find it odd that it did it exactly when the 480V lightning arrestor faulted out too.
Any thoughts on this are incredibly appreciated. I have pictures and can answer questions if you have any.
Thank you Mike
The system runs parallel to the grid. All of the water side items seem to work correctly, so I will focus on the power side. The generator is a 250kw 3 phase induction motor, labeled for generator use (by GE). It is connected for 480V. This goes to a contactor to connect it to the line, fuses, current monitoring, in-phase/in-voltage monitor, revenue metering, and then out to a transformer. There is also a capacitor that is brought on or off line for PFC (I think). Electrically speaking, the generator is hooked up just as you would a DOL motor starter, except with fuses instead of OL's.
The 480V heads to a pad-mount transformer(300 KVA, 12470Y/7200-480 Delta, 1.9% impedance), and here is where things get a little uncertain for me. 480V goes in on the delta side of the transformer (X1, X2, X3). 12kv comes out of the Wye side (H1, H2, H3). H0 is tied to the building/site ground through a resistor and 12KV/120V single phase transformer arrangement. The 120V winding feeds a voltage relay which I believe opens the contactor when voltage goes above a threshold. The 12kv lines go underground 300', and are connected through fused cutouts (with lightning Arrestors) to the 12kV grid.
So, what problems have we had-
-Hydro plant is running, owner is present fine tuning controls
- A 480V lightning arrestor shorted out. It was unfused so a lot of current and sparks flowing. The owner was present and disconnected the system at a 480V disconnect just before the transformer. The lightning arrestor was connected on the line side, so it kept burning up! The rest of the 480V equipment is disconnected at this point
-Transformer starts thumping, lightning arrestor still burning up
-After about 5 minutes, one of the fused cutouts blows out, everything stops.
-Upon removing the lightning arrestor, and refusing the cutout...fuse blows immediately
-Not sure on a plan of action at this point. I have meggered all 480V wiring and equipment, tested fine
After reading all this, and thanks to anybody who got this far- what problems do you see with this setup? I am concerned that there is no grounding of the 480V side of this system so L-G voltages could become elevated. That may be why the 480V lightning arrestor shorted out. Could this have triggered a fault in the transformer? Would a transformer fault only take out one fuse on the 12kV side? Is this how these are usually grounded?
We are thinking of having an oil analysis done on the transformer, but are hesitant to bring out a firm to test the underground cabling as it is $3500+ My gut says the transformer is faulting to ground, but I find it odd that it did it exactly when the 480V lightning arrestor faulted out too.
Any thoughts on this are incredibly appreciated. I have pictures and can answer questions if you have any.
Thank you Mike