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3.5 MW motor starting problems continue... 7

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Nov 24, 2004
A while ago, I started a thread which many of you contributed to, but that story has not ended yet...

So the issue is that a 3.5 MW motor driving a large fan has problems starting. The starting method is the soft starter. Rotational inertia is high.

We discussed several causes, such as inadequate motor, inadequate starter, week and inadequate power system, etc. But calculations show that although things are marginal this still should work, but it does not.

Today we managed for the first time to put two identical 13/20MVA transformer in parallel. Their impedance is 10.5% at 20MVA but each transformer also has a current limiting reactor 6%. However, 20+20MVA system still would no start a 4MVA motor...

System: two 13/20 MVA transformers in parallel, + about 5 MW of additional load shared between two transformers.

Motor: asynchronous, TECO-Westinghouse 3.5MW, In = 385Amp, 6kV, 50Hz, 1485 rmp, locked rotor current 2300Amp.

Fan: Large rotational inertia. The fan has no load at the present (no air, dampers closed). The Impeller weight is 15,000 lbs, and the Impeller moment of inertia (WR^2) is 66,000 lb-ft^2.)

Starter: constant current, voltage ramp ~10 sec, current limit 470%, starting time 50 sec, after which bypass contactor closes (when then speed is about 80%).

We had some luck starting and running the motor using one 13/20 MVA dedicated transformer but now with 2 transformers in parallel it would not work. We tried three times and none of the starts was successful. Each time the soft starter was manually shut down after about 20 sec since motor was creating too much vibrations and was not accelerating any more.

Problems still could be electrical, but for a change we started to suspect that there may be some mechanical problems, perhaps related to the motor rotor axial movement. If the rotor indeed does try to move, either it may not have enough space to move to the electrical center or the shaft is moving back and forth around its electrical center for some unknown reason and hitting the trust.

The attached charts provide more info. During the voltage rump time, which was about 10 sec, motor runs smooth and with two transformers in parallel the initial voltage drop is rather modest - falls from 6.4kV to 6kV. This is good news, with one transfomer we had much larger initial voltage drops. However, the bad news is that after the voltage is ramped up high enough that the current reached the preset limit (470% In), some vibrations start.

As you can see, the current and voltage outline forms on the charts start at some point having "teeth" like a saw. Once stabilized there is about 3 - 4 “teeth”/second. Just judging by the ear, the frequency of mechanical vibrations is in the same range, meaning current spikes likely correspond with frequency of mechanical vibrations.

Any idea what might be happening?
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The last thing QBplanner mentioned I think is commonly called calling and cogging and results in dips in torque speed curve at certain speed during start. It results from improper selection of rotor and stator slot combination. It is rarely a problem in modern motor designs because it has been understood by motor designers since the 1940's. More info here:

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pete raises a good point. This could very well be a motor design issue.


If you can post the no. of stator & rotor slots and the motor speed & frequency, I could that check out for you in a trice.
The best way to go here would be to eliminate the good components and zero-in on the malfunctioning part, as ters tried to analyze. ters, if you have a way of having a troubleshooting scheme where you can start with a "new and functional" starter on this "troubled" motor, results could strike-out which one is defective! That way, it will be clearer which one needs to be repaired/ replaced.
Just my thoughts.
Gentlemen, thank you very much to all. This is really a great place to ask for help.

I always wanted to try a DOL start. But there are two reasons that it has never happened yet:

1. It is a bit cumbersome, would require a new cable from the switchgear to the motor, to eliminate the soft starter, as the DOL start through the soft starter may not be the smartest thing to do doe to rating of bypass contactor which is much lower that the LRA. And even if we want to do it, honestly, I'm unsure if we can set the bypass to close at zero sec, maybe we can.

2. More importantly, the Client kept refusing a DOL start being concerned about aged equipment upstream - a switchgear with minimum oil breakers rated to only 800Amp and transformers which are 40 years old. But we are getting there… Within one month, we will have one more (new) transformers available, slightly larger, 20/27MVA and old minimum oil breakers of 800A will be replaced with new 1250A units… At that time we will probably be in a position to try it, unless someone finds another reason to reject it...

Speaking of inadequate motor design, anything is possible, I’m not an expert for motors, but will try to find some info and post.

However, interestingly, the motor manufacturer commented that there could actually be a problem with inadequate soft starter design... We have a 400Amp unit, which is capable of 600% short term overload. They think that if we had a 500Amp unit, that might make a difference implying that a 400Amp unit, as used (almost 500% current) cannot cope with such torture causing some instability which creates electrical oscillations and mechanical vibrations. They believe that upgrading it to 500Amp may help.

So LionelHutz , may I ask you to comment on this. I know you said you had not much to add, but you are directly in the business of making soft starters, so would you agree with the comments provided by TECO?

QBplanner, glad that you confirmed that the problem is not likely on the system side (unless we have some sort of strange resonance). About your comment that the motor may have 5th or 7th harmonic torque components when starting, where such distortion may be coming from and how to get rid off it? We have nothing else in the system that is known for generating much of harmonics except the soft starter.

So LionelHutz , may I ask you to comment on this. I know you said you had not much to add, but you are directly in the business of making soft starters, so would you agree with the comments provided by TECO?

No, I would not just blindly agree with them.

Practically, the motor requires >400% current to start. The SCR's should be failing or the soft-starter trip on over-temperature if the soft-starter can not handle the current. I know Motortronics claims 500% current for 60 seconds but that rating claim appears to be a marketing number at some starter sizes after looking at some of the SCR stack assemblies. So, it would be a good idea if you checked for failed SCRs.

You have to understand that there is only a limited number of 6.5kV SCR sizes available. So, if you design a stack assembly to make full use of each SCR, you will end up with 3 or 4 stack designs. So, some starter sizes end up complete overkill and other starter sizes are at the limits of the stack used.

The bypass contactor is a HP rated vacuum contactor though, which would be fine using across the line. I believe it will be a Joslyn Clark contactor, likely the rating plate says 600A which is really a 500A UL listed contactor.
Can you get to the shaft? If the rotor is OK it may be time for a pony motor.
Also - Where does the control power for the starter come from? Is it constant during starting??
5th and 7th Harmonics torque are bascially motor design issues - the tough part. I hope it is not. THe only reason made me thought about the harmonic Torque is because you mentioned about Noise and Vibration. Either you have large harmonic components or the motor got damaged.

I was trying to believe it is the soft starter problem since the system with two Trx in Parallel should have no problem to start a 3.5 MW motor with 6X FLC inrush even with a cross line direct start. You won't get worse voltage dip than using Single Trx and current limiting reactor with a 470% current limiting soft starter.(I believe you mentioned you even get 15% voltage dip once with single Trx and reactor.)

I don't know much about the transmission system the plant connecting to. I can only tell it based on the piece meal information mentioned in your previous posts.

Here are the reasons:

You have ?/110kV sub with 150MVA transformer(s) I would believe the fault level at high side of the sub must be higher than 1500MVA minimum (later on you confirmed more than 2600MVA) other wise people may have difficulties to energize the 150MVA Trx. Two short 110kV lines (Within 10km ??) from that 110kV sub to your plant with current limiting reactors on the feeders. The main reason people put in the reactor is to limit the fault current if it is too high for the CBs and others switches. Here in North America, every utility has its own rules to put in the current limiting reactors. In the place I work it is around 300-350MVA on 25kV side. In your case, the p.u. impedance of the current limiting reactor is almost the same as the 13/20MVA transformer. Therefore, at the motor terminal you only get approximate 90MVA or even less fault level. Even with soft starter let ‘s say 300% limiting, you will still get 12% voltage dip on your 6.4kV side which is huge if constantly starting the motor.

I am glad to hear that the up stream system will be upgraded CB or cables. It is a good start.

The system is quite a strong system at the point of interconnection but the plant equipment as you mentioned 800A CB may not be suitable to coordinate the new 3.5MW motor.

Before doing the cross line start without soft starter, make sure some people can do a quick hand calculation (Should be enough) to make sure the maximum voltage dip caused by the 6 X FLC with two transformer in parallel with the reactors is within accepted range on utility side as well as close by loads.

It can not tell if the soft starter is good or bad but at least it can tell if the motor is a good one or not.

The 5th and 7th torque components are motor design issues and it is the last thing you want to think about it.

Vibration and noise of the induction machine are not normal unless with harmonic torques or internal damages.

These are to my best knowledge and I ‘d like to hear some good news fro you soon.
QBplanner, thank you for the last reply, I somehow did not notice it until now.

Here I am again... We opened the motor (removed one of the cover plates). Not much of the rotor can be seen, but the steel ring plate around the end of rotor (oposite side from the cooling fan) seems to be a subject to some extensive heat - as you can see on the attached picture, the paint around is burnt. Almost looks like one used a heat gun to peal it off... Does anyone have any suggestions how (ab)normal is this? Thank you.
Not normal I would say.

I haven't seen that exact construction but I assume this assembly at the end of the rotor is just a fan and should have no current going through it. Something is wrong to make current flow through there. Whether it might be a broken end ring something else I'm not sure.

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With broken end ring and/or broken bars, the low resistance path through copper is forced into the iron and more current flow in iron which is what I suspect this is.

Look at the place where the hole is. Imagine current flowing circumferentially. The current crowds as it goes past the hole. That is why the heat damage is worse there.

I was predisposed to think you had a rotor problem even before this photo. I can't say the photo is conclusive as to what's going on, but to me it certainly fits with the faulty rotor scenario.

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If you've got a magnet, double-check whether that fan-looking thing on the end of the rotor is copper (no attraction) or steel (attracts). As I said I think it's steel but since it is an unfamiliar construction to me, it wouldn't hurt to double check.

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Disregard my last post. Clearly it is simply a steel fan on the end of the rotor.

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I think there is zero doubt that circumferential current flow in the steel fan is the cause of the discoloration. Two different observations about the pattern of heating around that hole support this conclusion:
1 - as said before - there is more heating radially adjacent to the hole which is consistent with circumferential current flow.
2 - there is less heating circumferentially adjacent to the hole which is consistent with circumferential current flow.

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Thank you very much electricpete. I will remove the plate on the other end tomorrow (end facing the cooling fan, but this machine has no direct cooling, the motor has a heat exchanger) and post some more pictures tomorrow. Would this be an idication that some of the rotor bars separated from the connecting ring?
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