- Jun 2, 2011
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I have now gotten liquid into the compressor two springs in a row. Not Good! After several sleepless nights I think I see a problem. Our building works well in normal operation, We have 16 VAV zones wih a total air flow capacity of 18,000 cfm and a 50 ton AC Condenser unit. The problem occurs when we rent the dining room to a 300 person dinner/dance party on Saturday night. The 3 vav boxes serving the dining room will be supplying 4500 cfm and demanding maximum cooling while the rest of the building is shut down and pulling maybe 3000 cfm and returning it at 65F. The mechanical contractor's only advice is to run the boilers and heat up the return air. we would prefer to have some criterion like RAT - DAT times estimated CFM of flow to shut off the compressors before damage occurs and subject our guests to warmer temperatures. Anyone know how to do that?