Where could I find the following ASME code sections, or especially a summary (or simplified version) of their main or most common stress analysis requirements, on-line? Pressure vessels (Sects. 8 and 9), piping systems, (Sect. B31), Vacuum piping (Sect. B31.9). (Correct me if I'm wrong on the last digit of the vacuum section.) The most important of the above three for my purpose are Sects. B31 and B31.9. A large pipe under vacuum, made by welding cylindrical shell A36 steel plates (two half cylinders with longitudinal seams on each side), failed (collapsed) where the pipe takes a 90-degree turn. The 90-deg turn is made by welding a 0-deg, then 45-deg, then 90-deg segment. The 45-deg segment collapsed (imploded) in its midspan; not at its welded end joints. The flow under vacuum inside the pipe is somewhat corrosive (steam).
I want the quickest and dirtiest analysis equations for resizing the wall thicknesses of the new segments (and for analysis of the joint welds) to bring the piping system up to very mimimum ASME code. The pipe poses virtually no danger to humans or the environment (nontoxic content) and only needs to last two more years. When it failed, it simply collapsed, causing no danger or adverse effect except down time. Any advice on mimimum ASME code requirements or where to find them on-line would be greatly appreciated.
I want the quickest and dirtiest analysis equations for resizing the wall thicknesses of the new segments (and for analysis of the joint welds) to bring the piping system up to very mimimum ASME code. The pipe poses virtually no danger to humans or the environment (nontoxic content) and only needs to last two more years. When it failed, it simply collapsed, causing no danger or adverse effect except down time. Any advice on mimimum ASME code requirements or where to find them on-line would be greatly appreciated.