- Aug 29, 2010
- 983
I don't do a lot of parking structures so looking for some input/opinions on best practices these days. This is in the northeast. This is 1 slab on grade and then 2 elevated slabs (with multi story resi above). My early design recommendation to the client was: increased cover, low w/c ratio, corrosion inhibitor, air, sealer and traffic coating system. I had told them that epoxy bars were not required. I don't have a lot of experience with them but my impression was that the trend is away from epoxy coated bars. The client did a very similar building (same size, same block) recently where they used the above measures plus epoxy bars, so now I'm getting the 'why did our engineer on the other project use these' question. If I hadn't already said that they weren't necessary I'd probably just copy what they did but since I already told them that it wasn't necessary I'm on the fence.
For reference the summary of the concrete specs on their other project were: f'c = 6ksi, epox bars, double coat touch up on all damage, w/c = 0.35, air 6%, calcium nitrite 4 gal/yd3, moist curing only (no compounds).
Any input/opinions appreciated.
For reference the summary of the concrete specs on their other project were: f'c = 6ksi, epox bars, double coat touch up on all damage, w/c = 0.35, air 6%, calcium nitrite 4 gal/yd3, moist curing only (no compounds).
Any input/opinions appreciated.