I don't think your last photo is relevant. Your first one shows the area of a joint community garden, where folks grow some vegetables. There is a gradually graded access point on the left side of that photo, but it is the long way around. So naturally, some of the garden users found a more convenient, albeit a bit dangerous, way of getting down to their patch. Now they are getting a proper stair.
The intended access point seems to be at the far end of the parking lot from the garden where the paved path goes. The well-worn path is at the garden after hopping over the parking lot guard rail.
My point was this: there are three paths A, B and C to get to the park (I just made an arbitrary destination in the park). Going via the path C is a long way. B is a short cut (where the stairs are).
But path A does not seem to be a long way either.
I'm not even sure what you are trying to do. The shortcut is from the parking lot at the bottom right of image to the garden, just above the parking lot, which is downhill from the parking lot. The long way to the garden is to walk to the extreme right of the parking lot and walk all the way back on the grass to the garden. All the paths you've drawn are seemingly irrelevant to the problem at hand.
TTFN (ta ta for now)
I can do absolutely anything. I'm an expert!
I thought that the garden is not the main attraction! and that most of the users who are parking their car there, were essentially visitors of the whole park. But apparently the stairs are just about getting to the garden...Fair enough... There must be something very special in that garden !
That garden looks like a set of allotment plots. Gardeners go there, park, and then trundle down the hill to weed and water their veggies. The stairs were likely a big help, but of course anything on city property has to be "safe", even if it makes an unsafe condition which is clearly being used frequently by the public, safer than it was.
It might help, in future, to read some of the explanations given before continuing to question. The point here is access to the VEGETABLE GARDEN, as I think everyone except you knew, at least from the time when 3DDave started posting the overhead photos.
If you are going by your B route, you could park at the other end.
Sure 50% reduction is better than nothing, but nowhere close to a 95% reduction.
Additionally, there are probably other factors involved:
> When have you worked in a garden and not needed to carry stuff to/from somewhere else? Carrying a couple of baskets of goodies a couple hundred feet will get tiring for lots of people. Not to mention tools like hoes, shovels, and supplies like fertilizer, mulch, etc.
> Being in North America, there's bound to be an element of thumbing one's nose at authority, particularly one that says you can't just walk down the hill to get to your garden.
TTFN (ta ta for now)
I can do absolutely anything. I'm an expert!
What an arrogant stance.
I went through this thread taking things with a grain of salt, on the one hand considering safety issue with gravity but on the other approaching the thread with fun and amusement. I read the explanations and I was questioning to understand again with a tonality of fun.
You want to educate me and lecture and make personal judgment on intellectual failure. Then fun off.