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Disturbing Colleague 1

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Aug 30, 2007
My co-worker, the “Sales Engineer,” which does nothing related to engineering, makes obnoxious noises, like snoring, while sleeping at his desk. Any time he is on the phone with customers he talks about everything but our product. Not that I am complaining too much because I am sure our pays reflect our work ;-). But it’s really hard to think and insure I don’t make any calculation mistakes, or what have you with such distractions. Aside from the dirty looks and subtitle comments one can make to my colleague, would anyone have constructive or not so constructive ways of… maybe practical jokes …helping my colleague do work?

I started printing out applicable Dilbert cartoons leaving them on the printer between us.
supervisor knows about him and has come into the office and “had meetings” with both of us, but all of the issues and looks were directed at my colleague. Although nothing really changes and I am sure my boss knows this.
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If he is successful as a sales engineer, then it's unlikely that anything will change. Your best hope is to find a way to move one of the two of you.

Sorry but even if he is not successful as a sales engineer, he is probably a survivor. Anyone who sleeps at his desk and snores for all to hear has some kind of survival mechanism at work.

Even if he isn't married to the bosses daughter, has some embarrassing photos or whatever, these guys have more excuses than management for non-performance.
"Market conditions" is a catch all cop out that is always relevant and even if they measure his performance against some suitable benchmark, the excuses will more often stand scrutiny.
Management scrutiny, that is and since these are the same excuses management will proffer up to higher management, and they want them to be believed, no one will want to know if he is really any good or not, just whether the excuse is sound.
It is no good comparing him to other sales engineers since they have different territories and different clients. Nor is it good to compare to the opposition, too many "differences".
You've raised the issue, your comments have been noted and nothing done. You will find Dilbert cartoons are not going to help (see thread on Dilbert in ethics forum).
In a surprising number of these cases it is the guy who complains who is labelled the "trouble maker".
I'd suggest you arrange to move away from him, swap desks with someone, get into another office or establish a home away from home somewhere esles such as unused conference rooms etc. (I assume there are LAN connections everywhere) and if this doesn't work and he continues to be a real pain, (he may even set out to show just what a real pain he can be if he senses some one is stirring things up) move to another company.

It just gets worse. Every job has someone like him. People get more annoying every year. I work in an environment that is quiet and have to hear ALL annoying, stupid noises, including the stupid ones from computer speakers.
Have your boss move you or him.

SolidWorks 07 4.0/PDMWorks 07
AutoCAD 06
ctopher's home (updated 04-21-07)
Humm... I have thought about that but i didnt know if it was "professonal" to sit here with headphones on, I guess I could ask.
If you want them to say no, by all means ask.
If it is not specifically excluded behaviour in your terms of reference just go ahead and do it.
They won't come up and say "don't do that", they'll say "what are you doing? listening to the game? what's the score?"
Then when you say "they're noise reducing headphones. I find I can be much more focussed and productive if i don't have external distractions." they won't have a thing to say;they would have to think of some real good reason (that they can justify) why they want you to work less well.

Move to a different cubicle?

"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater."
Albert Einstein
Have you read FAQ731-376 to make the best use of Eng-Tips Forums?
Makes you wonder about these open plan offcies when they have to give out headphones to stop distractions. Whatever next - walls so you can't see or hear your neighbour??

It sounds like you're developing a phobia about this person so that any noise they make, whether it's snoring, breaking wind, or just talking, gets you annoyed. We had someone similar who used to hammer the keyboard so much we gave him some foam to rest the keyboard on. He left shortly after.

You could try a sack over his head but leave a small air hole as the next person you share a cell with might be a lot worse.

ASHER- The building is pre cubical, its just a large office with desks separated by filing cabinets.

jmw- I checked the one about cube farm chatter and the one pessimistic guy is just like him... 4 of us got two ARBYS 5 for $5 deals today and he was complaining that we wasted money on curly fries, the operations manager was like, does anything make you happy??!!!

I might just tuff it out till I take the FE exam then changes jobs... I am writing this at home because I let the IT person use my computer to trouble shot a problem with the factory server, and basically any sites I used i found to be blocked this morning, like Eng-Tips and some others I use, a couple they blocked for work... I didnt even call the IT department today cuz I was so annoyed that I though i needed a day to cool myself off before calling them...they have been doing this KAS_OQW@)U%)#@)(*HT!!!! for the last two month and its driving me nuts... i work to hard to be suppressed by the IT department....

now that i just vented! :) i feel better
Sales engineer?
What does he do?
I would bet that most people that buy your product or service are not engineers. They need people who can explain products to them in a non-nerdy way. Sometimes that mean BSing with them, playing golf with them, buying them lunch, taking them fishing etc.
You might think that an engineer who can give technical details on a product might do a great job selling it. Not necessarly so. I have seen engineers who get insenced when after they explain something in great detail, and demonstrate very logically that their product is superior the customer ask dumb questions or buys something else.
It takes the right combination of technical knowledge and BS to sell.
Your coworker may be the reason you have a job.
BTW "Sales engineers" with good technical knowledge and good people skills earn a lot more money than engineers that just engineer.

I think you make a valid point. It takes all different types of personalities to make a strong team. And learning how to work successfully with all of them can help build a strong career.

However, I don't think sales comes first. I think products engineered by engineers comes first.


I definitely agree that good Sales Engineers can really make a difference in Sales and can get good money...

I would agree with you if that was the case... the field sales man who recently took me to a job site to inspect a design of mine, told me on the trip that the Sales Engineer was annoying people so much that that were calling the field sales man to get technical information and avoiding calling the Sales Engineer.

I agree with 13, since sales engineers dont always do calculations or know exact capabilities, they often promise the things that defy physics and then it’s up to me to tell them we can do X which is almost what they were promised. Along with this, no one wants to talk to a person who is going to complain about everything bad in their life over the phone to some random person just wanting technical information about a system.
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