- Jun 25, 2002
- 10,274
is a stupid point. The only people foisting the AGW issue on us is folks with a huge self interest in spreading fear. I call a "scientist" who destroys original data a "scammer". I call a politician who introduces legislation to provide a monopoly on carbon aggregation to his contributors suspicious at least.dawei87 said:I know cancer is a legitimate issue. That was my point: it is a logical misstep to point to scammers or suspicious officials or whomever and use that as a reason to question for one second the scientific validity of the issue. The two should be completely separate.
No, the world is not black and white. It is many shades of grey. I do believe that it is anti-human to hate the human race, and the AGW argument exhibits a large degree of hate for the human race. Mankind has done many things to the environment that were wrong. Rivers shouldn't catch fire. Rain should not melt statues. Playgrounds should not be toxic. But, all of the things man has done to the environment have been local. The air quality in the LA Basin is horrible, but by the time you get to Barstow the air is clear. Hong Kong harbour is filthy, but 50 miles out to sea you wouldn't know that Hong Kong is there. The pH of the rain in Denver is slightly basic.
Bottom line is that there is NO science in this discussion, it is just politics and economics.