- Jul 15, 2003
- 45
Hi Forum. I have been asked to comment on protection failures following an explosion which destroyed a 6.6kV 400kVAr PFC bank. I can explain the protection issues but would welcome some thoughts on the PFC failure. The site is connected at 33kV via a short 33kV cable from the 132/33kV BSP which has two 90MVA 132/33Yd TX's with YZ earthing TX and liquid earthing resistors. the 33kV fault Z is (100 MVA base) 0.87+j19.42 = 514MVA. On site there are 2 x 33/6.6kV 10MVA Yyo Z 10% with solid earthing operating in parallel. From the 6.6kV BB one OCB feeds via a short cable onto a bus bar cable end box, these bars have two outgoing cct's via OCB's which connect:
1) A 4.4MVA 6.6kV Auto/Star Moving Coil Regulator which is connected directly on to a 6.6/3.8/7.26 Yyo ratio changing TX Z = 1.62% with a 400kVAr Delta PFC solidly connected at the MCR primary. These PFC have now failed three times(over a period of 12 yrs) with suficient force this last time to destroy the building in which they were housed.
2) The second 6.6kV ocb feeds a similar circuit with a 1.9MVA 6600/100/550 volt Yy Moving Coil Regulator and 300kVAr PFC bank.
These MCR's feed the client test bay where a variety of motors can be tested. Due to a lack of understanding the complete system is normally left alive even though no test runs are planned. ie MCR's & PFC alive but unloaded for long periods. Simple plant failure seems to much of a coincident to be realistic. A harmonic survey is in hand, system resonance and ferroresonace need to be considered and any direction in this respect would be welcome.
1) A 4.4MVA 6.6kV Auto/Star Moving Coil Regulator which is connected directly on to a 6.6/3.8/7.26 Yyo ratio changing TX Z = 1.62% with a 400kVAr Delta PFC solidly connected at the MCR primary. These PFC have now failed three times(over a period of 12 yrs) with suficient force this last time to destroy the building in which they were housed.
2) The second 6.6kV ocb feeds a similar circuit with a 1.9MVA 6600/100/550 volt Yy Moving Coil Regulator and 300kVAr PFC bank.
These MCR's feed the client test bay where a variety of motors can be tested. Due to a lack of understanding the complete system is normally left alive even though no test runs are planned. ie MCR's & PFC alive but unloaded for long periods. Simple plant failure seems to much of a coincident to be realistic. A harmonic survey is in hand, system resonance and ferroresonace need to be considered and any direction in this respect would be welcome.