- Jan 23, 2021
- 5
I got my preapplication conference from the county who said I need to submit for a Geological Hazard and a Geohazard Area engineering applications.
This one company quoted me $14,880 for the 2 reports described below. I am trying to put a house on a property next to a river in Washington State.
Since I haven't built a house before I got no idea of what to expect for a GeoTechnical ($11,300) or GeoHazard ($3,580) report.
What features should I be expecting to receive in a geotechnical investigation?
Here is what they said after the site visit:
Thank you for meeting me at the site last week. I worked with our Principal Engineer/Department Manager to determine the scope of work and cost for the geologic hazard assessment, as well as for the future geotechnical investigation. I wanted to get a scope of work and cost information for the hazard assessment and geotechnical investigation over for your review.
Our principal engineer reviewed the geologic hazards present at the site, and recommends the geotechnical investigation include quantitative modeling of seismically-induced liquefaction settlement and the potential for movement due to lateral spread. Lateral spread can occur on sites underlain by liquefiable soils that are located on or immediately adjacent to a free face, such as a river bank. During lateral spread, the materials overlying the liquefied soils are subject to lateral movement toward the free face, which can result in significant damage to structures. Deep drilled borings are necessary to complete these analyses.
The following sections outline our proposed scope of work for the two reports:
The geologic hazard assessment will include:
• Review available literature for geologic hazards in the vicinity of the site. Specific hazards to be qualitatively addressed by this study include:
o Erosion potential
o Landslide potential / Slope stability
o Seismic potential and seismic hazards (liquefaction, lateral spread, seismic slope instability)
o Flood potential
o Volcanic hazards potential
• Review readily available historical aerial photographs of the site.
• Review available topographic, geologic, and geologic hazard maps for the area.
• Perform a surface reconnaissance of the site.
• Log the existing bank of the Lewis River along the area of the proposed area of development.
• Provide qualitative conclusions regarding the potential impacts of geologic hazards on the proposed development, and vice versa.
• Provide a written report summarizing the results of our study in general accordance with the Clark County Code Chapter 40.430.030(C)(5) and the 2006 Washington State Geologist Licensing Board Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geology Reports in Washington.
Hazard Assessment Fixed Fee:
For the scope of services described above, our services will be provided for a fixed fee of $3,580.
Geotechnical Investigation
Our geotechnical investigation will include the following:
• Visit the site and mark (stake) intended test pit locations for utility locating purposes. This would be completed during the geologic hazard assessment site visit.
• Contact the Washington Utilities Notification Center (“one-call”) to mark the locations of any public utilities within a 30-foot radius of our intended borings.
• Return to the site and explore subsurface conditions in the area of the proposed residence by observing the advancement of 2 drilled borings in the area of the proposed residence.
• The borings will be advanced using a drill rig provided and operated by our licensed drilling subcontractor.
• The borings will be advanced to depths of 25 to 80 feet below ground surface (bgs) or practical refusal, whichever occurs first.
• Sampling and testing within the borings will include:
• Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) will be conducted using a split-spoon sampler in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D1586. SPTs will be conducted (and samples obtained) at 2½-foot intervals for the upper 15 feet in the borings, and on 5-foot intervals thereafter to the termination depths of the borings.
• In conjunction with SPTs, where fine-grained soils are encountered, 3-inch diameter (ID) thin-wall steel Shelby tube samples will be obtained to collect undisturbed soil samples for evaluation of unit weight and other properties.
• We will measure depths to groundwater in the borings, if encountered. The water level(s) will be checked in the borings just prior to backfilling.
• Drill spoils will be left on the site.
• The borings will be backfilled with granular bentonite prior to departure from the site.
• Bring the soil samples back to our laboratory to refine field classifications and conduct laboratory testing to determine in-situ properties.
• Laboratory testing is anticipated to include moisture content tests, particle-size distribution (sieve) tests, and plasticity index test(s).
• Provide quantitative analyses of the potential for seismically-induced liquefaction settlement and seismically-induced lateral spread for the location of the proposed residence.
• Summarize the results of the field investigation, laboratory testing, and analyses in a geotechnical report. The report will include:
• The site plan showing the exploration locations
• Logs of the explorations, including depths of existing fill (if encountered), soil layer(s), groundwater depth(s), and results of laboratory testing performed on selected samples.
• A technical narrative of the completed investigation and findings
• Results of the liquefaction and lateral spread analysis, including estimated settlements.
• Geotechnical recommendations for site preparation, temporary excavations, wet weather construction, earthwork, permanent cut and fill slopes, and design and construction of shallow foundations (or deep foundations if appropriate based on results of the analyses), floor slabs, and driveway
• The report will be stamped by a professional geotechnical engineer (PE) licensed in Washington
Geotechnical Investigation Fixed Fee:
For the scope of services described above, our services will be provided for a fixed fee of $11,300. In order to initiate our work, we require an up-front retainer fee of one-half of this amount. The remainder of the fixed fee is required prior to issuing our final report.
This one company quoted me $14,880 for the 2 reports described below. I am trying to put a house on a property next to a river in Washington State.
Since I haven't built a house before I got no idea of what to expect for a GeoTechnical ($11,300) or GeoHazard ($3,580) report.
What features should I be expecting to receive in a geotechnical investigation?
Here is what they said after the site visit:
Thank you for meeting me at the site last week. I worked with our Principal Engineer/Department Manager to determine the scope of work and cost for the geologic hazard assessment, as well as for the future geotechnical investigation. I wanted to get a scope of work and cost information for the hazard assessment and geotechnical investigation over for your review.
Our principal engineer reviewed the geologic hazards present at the site, and recommends the geotechnical investigation include quantitative modeling of seismically-induced liquefaction settlement and the potential for movement due to lateral spread. Lateral spread can occur on sites underlain by liquefiable soils that are located on or immediately adjacent to a free face, such as a river bank. During lateral spread, the materials overlying the liquefied soils are subject to lateral movement toward the free face, which can result in significant damage to structures. Deep drilled borings are necessary to complete these analyses.
The following sections outline our proposed scope of work for the two reports:
The geologic hazard assessment will include:
• Review available literature for geologic hazards in the vicinity of the site. Specific hazards to be qualitatively addressed by this study include:
o Erosion potential
o Landslide potential / Slope stability
o Seismic potential and seismic hazards (liquefaction, lateral spread, seismic slope instability)
o Flood potential
o Volcanic hazards potential
• Review readily available historical aerial photographs of the site.
• Review available topographic, geologic, and geologic hazard maps for the area.
• Perform a surface reconnaissance of the site.
• Log the existing bank of the Lewis River along the area of the proposed area of development.
• Provide qualitative conclusions regarding the potential impacts of geologic hazards on the proposed development, and vice versa.
• Provide a written report summarizing the results of our study in general accordance with the Clark County Code Chapter 40.430.030(C)(5) and the 2006 Washington State Geologist Licensing Board Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geology Reports in Washington.
Hazard Assessment Fixed Fee:
For the scope of services described above, our services will be provided for a fixed fee of $3,580.
Geotechnical Investigation
Our geotechnical investigation will include the following:
• Visit the site and mark (stake) intended test pit locations for utility locating purposes. This would be completed during the geologic hazard assessment site visit.
• Contact the Washington Utilities Notification Center (“one-call”) to mark the locations of any public utilities within a 30-foot radius of our intended borings.
• Return to the site and explore subsurface conditions in the area of the proposed residence by observing the advancement of 2 drilled borings in the area of the proposed residence.
• The borings will be advanced using a drill rig provided and operated by our licensed drilling subcontractor.
• The borings will be advanced to depths of 25 to 80 feet below ground surface (bgs) or practical refusal, whichever occurs first.
• Sampling and testing within the borings will include:
• Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) will be conducted using a split-spoon sampler in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D1586. SPTs will be conducted (and samples obtained) at 2½-foot intervals for the upper 15 feet in the borings, and on 5-foot intervals thereafter to the termination depths of the borings.
• In conjunction with SPTs, where fine-grained soils are encountered, 3-inch diameter (ID) thin-wall steel Shelby tube samples will be obtained to collect undisturbed soil samples for evaluation of unit weight and other properties.
• We will measure depths to groundwater in the borings, if encountered. The water level(s) will be checked in the borings just prior to backfilling.
• Drill spoils will be left on the site.
• The borings will be backfilled with granular bentonite prior to departure from the site.
• Bring the soil samples back to our laboratory to refine field classifications and conduct laboratory testing to determine in-situ properties.
• Laboratory testing is anticipated to include moisture content tests, particle-size distribution (sieve) tests, and plasticity index test(s).
• Provide quantitative analyses of the potential for seismically-induced liquefaction settlement and seismically-induced lateral spread for the location of the proposed residence.
• Summarize the results of the field investigation, laboratory testing, and analyses in a geotechnical report. The report will include:
• The site plan showing the exploration locations
• Logs of the explorations, including depths of existing fill (if encountered), soil layer(s), groundwater depth(s), and results of laboratory testing performed on selected samples.
• A technical narrative of the completed investigation and findings
• Results of the liquefaction and lateral spread analysis, including estimated settlements.
• Geotechnical recommendations for site preparation, temporary excavations, wet weather construction, earthwork, permanent cut and fill slopes, and design and construction of shallow foundations (or deep foundations if appropriate based on results of the analyses), floor slabs, and driveway
• The report will be stamped by a professional geotechnical engineer (PE) licensed in Washington
Geotechnical Investigation Fixed Fee:
For the scope of services described above, our services will be provided for a fixed fee of $11,300. In order to initiate our work, we require an up-front retainer fee of one-half of this amount. The remainder of the fixed fee is required prior to issuing our final report.