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Jun 27, 2014
The company I work for has asked me to design an HVAC system for an indoor cannabis growing facility. The money involved is blinding everyone associated to the fact that the Federal Government still considers it illegal. The clients are very colorful to say the least. The guy financing the project is a rich kid who has done time for trafficking a controlled substance in the past. The manager is a former car salesman. I want to run away screaming! How do you end up in this situation you ask? I work for an A. e. firm! Please give me some ammunition so I can tell these people that I just want to support my family by working on reputable projects.
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I don't see why the end use of the HVAC system is an issue. Unless you (as the designer responsible) need to run it as intended for testing reasons. And even then, why not prove it with some other plants? If the cheque is signed legally, using legal money, who's needs and end-use certificate? You aren't exactly designing weapons here.

- Steve
Search; Kill; Destroy!!!

Actually, I can't technically claim to be working on weapon systems, but the stuff we build makes them BETTER! (hmm, that has a familiar ring to it?)


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A truly slippery slope.

Do any recall the movie "The Magic Christian?" There is a segment in this 1969 British "comedy" that shows the "slippery slope" progression succinctly. A pool is filled with urine/blood/excrement, and English bank notes are scattered over the surface. The first to see it react indignantly, then slowly, holding their noses, reach carefully to extract the bank notes. Before long many are wading in until all that is exposed is their noses, as they try to collect notes in the deeper end of the pool.

With respect to marijuana, why would we consider adding another complex issue to our current repertoire of "problems" (which our elected leaders and government seems unable to solve)? Only because some will prosper from it; however, I can say with certainty that their personal prosperity will not out weigh the problems increasing marijuana use will bring (unless one views drugging/addicting a larger portion of the population a good thing). And if you cannot see the connection between more property crime and interpersonal crime and less personal responsibility that accompanies "harmless" marijuana use, spend some time with your local law enforcement.

I think some people see it as removing a problem, not adding one. And so far, the numbers have born that out.

Some statistics - Violent crime down 2%, property crime down 11.5%.

There are many possible explanations for the drop in crime, but one thing is clear - legalization of marijuana does not cause a spike in crime.

Hydrology, Drainage Analysis, Flood Studies, and Complex Stormwater Litigation for Atlanta and the South East -
You have every right to refuse to perform the work. There may be some level of repercussion, but if you feel that this is a moral or ethical issue refuse the work and accept the consequences.

I worked for a firm that took on a big-box retail client with a reputation of destroying small businesses, taking advantage of workers, ruthless business tactics, and environmental damage. An engineer in our firm refused to work for the client on the grounds of his personal, deeply held beliefs. The company obliged his request (made in a respectful manner) and assigned him to other projects. The economy went bad and we lost a lot of work, but the above client went strong. When it came time for layoffs, he lost his job. I respect him for standing up for his beliefs.

I suggest that you do a little internal looking, and decide if you feel you can morally and ethically work on the project. If not, accept any consequences and move on. I know that there are projects in which I would refuse to design based upon ethical objections.

Each of us has our own compass, follow it!
A Star for airspeed (OP),
First post, only post, after two weeks with a holiday in the middle his posting has generated 46 replies and 36 stars (not counting this one)!
I do not recall a first time poster generating so much enthusiasm.
I would love to hear back from the OP. But I'm sure since his initial post he has tried a pot brownie, opening the "gateway" to taking every other illicit drug on the streets. All the while mortgaging everything he owns to fund his drug habit, then resorting to petty theft, grand larceny, murder for hire, now finding himself holed up in a Mexican prison. Marijuana really is a slippery slope.
Wow has this been fun! I never realized this could be so much like poking a hornets’ nest. The Monday after I posted I went in to work with the intent of making the thing go design-build. The big thing was the client. He has a license from the state of WA to grow medical cannabis but he never should have got it with his criminal background. I made my pitch for the DB option and it went over like a fart in church. I got strong armed into doing it and fast. You see, they’re in a big yank to get a permit for this so they can get their first crop in to finance the rest of the project. Between noon on Monday and noon on Wednesday I put in 24 man hours to generate the worst set of drawings I’ve ever done. We’ll see what happens… So, they paid us in brownies and damn they were good!! That was promptly followed by pizza, Gatorade, slim jims, ice cream, a huge jar of pickles, cake… Now I’m living on the streets of Amsterdam and having a great time with my new perspective on the universe. If I ever go back to engineering, I’ll chalk it up to valuable experience in an emerging niche market.
Great news. Reminds me of the old song "'Cause I Got High" all the way down to farting in the pew. You didn't happen to run into Willie Nelson there?
It seems as though something has been put in motion that cannot be stopped . . . and mother stabbers and all sorts of nasty mean ugly people! Friday silliness is a good way to start the weekend, I think!

It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.
To the OP - follow you own convictions as far as you need to. Tell your employer you don't want to work on the project and deal with the consequences; if you don't you will make yourself sick with a conflicted conscience. You can't, however, expect your company not to particpate in the project if that is what the owners want to do. If you don't want to work for a company that does that type of work, then it is time to move on.

Many, many, years ago an Italian immigrant came to work at the company I was with in the maintenance department. All morning he worked hard, got along with everyone,etc. At lunch he opened his box and took out some bread, cheese, salami, and a decanter of wine. "You can't drink wine at lunch" he was told. "I can't work here" was his response, and he packed up and left.
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