I need to pump 3-6 gpm of 50/50 glycol and water at 15-20 psig for heat tracing production lines. There is no electrical power, so I'm trying to do it with a 24 V solar system and as such efficiency is a primary concern. I inherited a pilot test with solar pannels, batteries, inverter, AC motor and centrifugal pump but it is woefully inefficient--batteries to hydraulic hp runs about 3.2%. I plan to eliminate the inverter, go with a brushless DC motor/controller and a gear pump. By my calcs this raises the efficiency to about 30% with most of the gain due to the pump. Is there another type pump I should be considering? I've heard from one vender that claim they make a pump with around 85% efficiency but they wanted $8k for it and for that cost, I'd rather buy more panels and batteries.