member 1218030
I need to calculate flow in a pipe from water level masurements taking in the upstream and downstream manhole. It is important that especially single loss of energy in both inlet and outlet of the manhole is taking into account.
Some of the manholes have sewer overflows and thereby an edge, which should make single loss zero, but not all of them.
I first tried with the asumption that the pipe had full pipe flow with:
But that assumption was not accurate. Moreover the equation did not take into account the energiloss.
Then I tried using the following equation:
This is not really correct either eventhough it is closer. But I do not know how to make a better estimation of the flow between two manholee whith the waterlevel measurements.
Edited: Now with pictures of the equations instead of equation code.
I need to calculate flow in a pipe from water level masurements taking in the upstream and downstream manhole. It is important that especially single loss of energy in both inlet and outlet of the manhole is taking into account.
Some of the manholes have sewer overflows and thereby an edge, which should make single loss zero, but not all of them.
I first tried with the asumption that the pipe had full pipe flow with:

But that assumption was not accurate. Moreover the equation did not take into account the energiloss.
Then I tried using the following equation:

This is not really correct either eventhough it is closer. But I do not know how to make a better estimation of the flow between two manholee whith the waterlevel measurements.
Edited: Now with pictures of the equations instead of equation code.