- Dec 4, 2006
- 6
I working working on a 220,000 sq. ft. 4 story office building that will be using thermafuser type diffusers for supply air. The open office areas are 30 to 40 feet deep from an exterior wall and often run the entire length of the wall. Typically each zone has only one exterior wall. The load calculations were performed assuming exterior zones are from the exterior wall to 10 feet inward, interior zones are from the 10 feet point to interior walls. Unfortunately the diffusers were not sized for exterior and interior zones. The diffusers were sized for the total CFM in an area with slightly more air on the exterior than interior. The perimeter ductwork has reheat coils and there is also perimeter finned tube. With the current diffuser layout do you feel that there will be adequate mixing of the air between interior and exterior zones so that most everyone is comfortable or do I need to have the exterior and interior zones as per the calculations? This project is going out for bid in a couple of days, your speedy response will be appreciated.