Just checking in. Where can I put my coat and hat?
Beer guy myself. Though a good cognac does not go unappreciated. I'll also buy a $10 bottle of wine - but won't buy a $20 for myself. Even though I live about 30 minutes from Napa and 40 from Sonoma.
Beer... well, the wine affecionados may be familiar with the Anderson Valley - west of Sonoma. Lots of good wines there. And, the Anderson Valley Brewing Company. What I see most frequently is their Boont Amber, a very good beer. But, I think their Oatmeal Stout is rather good as well.
I have a couple of cans of Budwiser... good for marinating steak.
Of course, the product line from Anchor Brewing Co is good as well - their Steam beer is by far the best known, but they make a good Liberty Ale and a stout or porter as well.
Then there's Sierra Nevada - their most widespread offering is their Pale Ale, but as with the others, they make several other flavors as well. I recently tried their Tremblor(?) beer and liked it a lot.
Bottom line... definitely agree to go with the local concoction where ever you are. But I'll admit - when I visit Kazakhstan I order a Baltica - its the only beer whose name I can pronounce well enough (by looking at the label) to order!
Hudepohl? Never heard of that. And I've been to Cincy a time or two. There's a local brewer here in KC just came out with a 10.5% ale. Pretty yummy stuff, but at $2/bottle, not for chugging after mowing the lawn.
“The engineer's first problem in any design situation is to discover what the problem really is.” Unk.
I was in southern China this past mid-October on an audit for some boiler pressure parts being built. Each night our hosts took us out for local cuisine and drinking. I enjoyed Tsing Tao. We were also toasting with Baijiu. Awful.
did you have the privilege of selecting your food live and then see them cooked. Unfortunately, for me as I am a vegetarian,life was tough and it was difficult explaining to my Chinese host my odd food habit.It was just plain white rice and nothing else for me.
The only food I selected in the region was cooked goat and prawns. We were taken to a nice upscale Chinese restaurant one evening and for lunch and it looked like I walked into a live pet shop - fish tanks, plucked birds (sparrows), snakes and pigeons. I too stuck with basic staples like rice and vegetables.
I probably spelled it wrong - but it was good - even had a few Canadians sheepishly tell me so. Arunmrao - probably had Tsing Tao once or twice but in Xinjiang we had "Xinjiang beer" - in big bottles - usually very warm - but when you could get a cold one it was pretty good. We were lucky in that the Holiday Inn in Urumqi used to throw 2 for 1 Carlsberg nights at the pub every other Saturday - so that's what we drank . . .