- Jul 31, 2012
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Hello folks. Over the past year or so I've started dabbling with VLF reception. I've built a few primitive antenna preamps from schematics found around the web. I have no clue what I'm doing. Just reading and learning as I go. Attached is my latest as-built. A found-on-the-web circuit that I've tweaked to work as best as I can get it. I do realize the gain in the first stage is too high right now. I seem to be having trouble adding gain to the second stage(with a much lower first stage gain). Oscillations! Although, it seems to be working perfectly right now on the breadboard as drawn. Intuition tells me there is room for improvement. I'd appreciate anyone's two cents on the circuit. What would you change and why? I'd like to improve it, but I'd also like to learn along the way.