- Apr 17, 2010
- 5
I am looking for an alternative or exception for deviation from IFC 2006 as used in South Carolina.
Problem: Furthest portion of newly constructed building is outside code specified distance of 500'. Hydrant & 6" main need to be extended approx. 150' to FD designated location. Next nearest hydrant is 1000' away, a spacing of 1320'. Site is supplied by a 3/4" feeder from a 2.25" main extention. Sprinklers are not required.
Due to existing conditions, i.e. main is on(under) a SCDOT maintained hi-traffic thoroughfare, interuption of service, etc., cost is prohibitive. Initial cost analysis and time frame for procedural logistics are insurmountable for property owner. City refuses to issue CO and will not allow usage until FD mandated hydrant is installed.
FD does not rely on NFPA tables or ISO standard practices, solely on IFC 2006 and their interpretation thereof, or so they say. Initial arguements have been presented based on NFPA LDH allowances and distance based on ISO "location(s) most likely be used by apparatus" instead of furthest point from building, which is 450' from hydrant. FD says no way, 500' is 500'. To cloud matters further, FD has requested a min. flow rate of 1500 GPM, flow rate at existing hydrant is 1180. FD says that will work, but it does not meet the specified requirements. FD can fudge on flow rate but not distance? Comments?
Before I do any further design or spec, I am looking for a possible loophole or quantifiable alt. to keep project IFC compliant without extending main and have a presentable arguement to the FD.
Site study shows neighboring properties have buildings that are also beyond the 500' min. distance. In fact this site has an existing bdlg. the same distance from the hydrant, but it is "grandfathered in". If a new hydrant is installed at the owner's expense, it will be turned over to the water company to benefit the surrounding properties.
One suggestion was an ISO Alternative Water Supply, a 30,000 tank on site with FDC connections. The FD has not yet commented.
Although not a technical question, possibly a situation one of you have come across. Any help is appreciated.
Problem: Furthest portion of newly constructed building is outside code specified distance of 500'. Hydrant & 6" main need to be extended approx. 150' to FD designated location. Next nearest hydrant is 1000' away, a spacing of 1320'. Site is supplied by a 3/4" feeder from a 2.25" main extention. Sprinklers are not required.
Due to existing conditions, i.e. main is on(under) a SCDOT maintained hi-traffic thoroughfare, interuption of service, etc., cost is prohibitive. Initial cost analysis and time frame for procedural logistics are insurmountable for property owner. City refuses to issue CO and will not allow usage until FD mandated hydrant is installed.
FD does not rely on NFPA tables or ISO standard practices, solely on IFC 2006 and their interpretation thereof, or so they say. Initial arguements have been presented based on NFPA LDH allowances and distance based on ISO "location(s) most likely be used by apparatus" instead of furthest point from building, which is 450' from hydrant. FD says no way, 500' is 500'. To cloud matters further, FD has requested a min. flow rate of 1500 GPM, flow rate at existing hydrant is 1180. FD says that will work, but it does not meet the specified requirements. FD can fudge on flow rate but not distance? Comments?
Before I do any further design or spec, I am looking for a possible loophole or quantifiable alt. to keep project IFC compliant without extending main and have a presentable arguement to the FD.
Site study shows neighboring properties have buildings that are also beyond the 500' min. distance. In fact this site has an existing bdlg. the same distance from the hydrant, but it is "grandfathered in". If a new hydrant is installed at the owner's expense, it will be turned over to the water company to benefit the surrounding properties.
One suggestion was an ISO Alternative Water Supply, a 30,000 tank on site with FDC connections. The FD has not yet commented.
Although not a technical question, possibly a situation one of you have come across. Any help is appreciated.