- Jul 28, 2011
- 3
I am trying to model the affect of free play in a landing gear assembly. However, being unfamilar with Mathcad's differential equation solvers, I am unsure how to get what I want, which is to see the affect of the free play angle on the yaw angle (Y) and lateral tire deformation oscillations. In essence, I am not sure how to handle the differential equations I've obtained through the Mathcad program in order to recreate the baseline model of these oscillations.
Any suggestions on how I could setup the Mathcad program to solve for a 3-equation system that models the landing gear?
The dynamic equations that were derived are:
1) Y'(t) = Y'(t)
2) Y'(t) = c4*Y'(t) + v*Y(t) + c5*y(t)
3) Y''(t) = c2*Y'(t) + c1*Y(t) + c3*y(t)
where c1 = M(Y)/Iz
c2 = k/Iz + K/(v*Iz)
c3 = ((cMα-(e*cFα))*Fz)/(Iz*σ)
c4 = e - a
c5 = -v/σ
Parameter Description Value Unit
v velocity 0…80 m/s
a half contact length 0.1 m
e caster length 0.1 m
Iz moment of inertia 1 kg m2
Fz vertical force 9000 N
c torsional spring rate -100000 Nm/rad
cFα side force derivative 20 1/rad
cMα moment derivative -2 m/rad
k torsional damping constant 0…-50 Nm/rad/s
κ tread width moment constant -270 Nm2/rad
σ = 3a relaxation length 0.3 m
and M(Y) = |(-c*(Y - Yfp)) if Y >= Yfp
|0 if -Yfp <= Y <= Yfp
|(-c*(Y + Yfp)) if Y <= -Yfp
where Yfp is the free play angle (in degrees)
I've attached the following Mathcad file with what I have so far. I am unsure on how to progress. Any help would be much appreciated.
Any suggestions on how I could setup the Mathcad program to solve for a 3-equation system that models the landing gear?
The dynamic equations that were derived are:
1) Y'(t) = Y'(t)
2) Y'(t) = c4*Y'(t) + v*Y(t) + c5*y(t)
3) Y''(t) = c2*Y'(t) + c1*Y(t) + c3*y(t)
where c1 = M(Y)/Iz
c2 = k/Iz + K/(v*Iz)
c3 = ((cMα-(e*cFα))*Fz)/(Iz*σ)
c4 = e - a
c5 = -v/σ
Parameter Description Value Unit
v velocity 0…80 m/s
a half contact length 0.1 m
e caster length 0.1 m
Iz moment of inertia 1 kg m2
Fz vertical force 9000 N
c torsional spring rate -100000 Nm/rad
cFα side force derivative 20 1/rad
cMα moment derivative -2 m/rad
k torsional damping constant 0…-50 Nm/rad/s
κ tread width moment constant -270 Nm2/rad
σ = 3a relaxation length 0.3 m
and M(Y) = |(-c*(Y - Yfp)) if Y >= Yfp
|0 if -Yfp <= Y <= Yfp
|(-c*(Y + Yfp)) if Y <= -Yfp
where Yfp is the free play angle (in degrees)
I've attached the following Mathcad file with what I have so far. I am unsure on how to progress. Any help would be much appreciated.