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NX Journal Question - Update Weight Data Now

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Nov 4, 2004
I have kludged together a Journal from various sources to assign a mass to a body by calculating the density from the volume. It is pretty clunky, but does what I need. The only hitch is I can't figure out a simple way to execute the "Update Weight Data Now" command. When I record it I get 139 lines of code for that single command. Does anyone know a simplier way to execute that command in a journal? Below is my code (apologies to those who actually know what their doing with VB):

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpenUI
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Imports NXOpen.Annotations

Module AssignMassToBody
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Dim dblMass As Double = 10.0
Dim dblVolume as Double = 1
Dim dblDensity_kg_mm3 as Double = 0
Dim dblDensity_g_cm3 as Double = 0
Dim iBodies(0) As IBody

Sub Main()

' Select the Part
Dim theBody As Body = select_a_body("Body:")

If theBody IsNot Nothing Then

Dim mm As MeasureManager = workPart.MeasureManager()
iBodies(0) = theBody

Dim massUnits(4) As Unit
massUnits(0) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Area")
massUnits(1) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Volume")
massUnits(2) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Mass")
massUnits(3) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Length")

Dim mb As MeasureBodies = mm.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, iBodies)

Echo("Volume = " & mb.Volume.ToString() & " " & massUnits(1).Abbreviation())
Echo("Current Mass = " & mb.Mass.ToString() & " " & massUnits(2).Abbreviation())

dblVolume = mb.Volume

End If

' Input the Mass
dblMass = NXInputBox.GetInputNumber("Mass (kg):", "Input Mass (kg)", dblMass)
Catch ex as Exception
MsgBox("Something Went Horribly Wrong", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End Try

' Calculate the New Density
dblDensity_kg_mm3 = dblMass/dblVolume
dblDensity_g_cm3 = dblDensity_kg_mm3 * 1000000
Echo("New Density = " & dblDensity_kg_mm3.ToString() & " " & "kg/mm^3")
Echo("New Density = " & dblDensity_g_cm3.ToString() & " " & "g/cm^3")

' Apply the Density to the body
For Each obj As Body In theSession.Parts.Work.Bodies
If TypeOf obj Is Body Then
ufs.Modl.SetBodyDensity(obj.Tag,UFModl.DensityUnits.GramsCentimeters, dblDensity_g_cm3)
End If

' Update Weight Data
' ????????????????????
' ????????????????????
' ????????????????????
' ????????????????????

End Sub

Function select_a_body(ByVal prompt As String) As Body
Dim mask() As Selection.MaskTriple = {New Selection.MaskTriple( _
UFConstants.UF_solid_type, 0, UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_BODY)}
Dim cursor As Point3d = Nothing
Dim obj As TaggedObject = Nothing

Dim resp As Selection.Response = _
UI.GetUI().SelectionManager.SelectTaggedObject("Select a body", prompt, _
Selection.SelectionScope.AnyInAssembly, _
Selection.SelectionAction.ClearAndEnableSpecific, _
False, False, mask, obj, cursor)

Return obj
End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

End Function

Sub Echo(ByVal output As String)


End Sub

End Module
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This code updates the mass of the work part:

' NX
' Journal created by jevtho04 on Fri Jul 10 21:49:42 2015 Romance Daylight Time
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen

Module NXJournal
Sub Main (ByVal args() As String) 

Dim theSession As NXOpen.Session = NXOpen.Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Work

Dim displayPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Display

Dim objects2(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
objects2(0) = workPart
Dim massPropertiesBuilder1 As NXOpen.MassPropertiesBuilder
massPropertiesBuilder1 = workPart.PropertiesManager.CreateMassPropertiesBuilder(objects2)

massPropertiesBuilder1.LoadPartialComponents = True

massPropertiesBuilder1.Accuracy = 0.99

massPropertiesBuilder1.UpdateOnSave = NXOpen.MassPropertiesBuilder.UpdateOptions.Yes



End Sub
End Module

Hope this helps!

NX8.0.3.4 TC
HP Z820 / QuadroK4000
Here is an updated version of the NX Journal file so that it now assigns a mass to a body or multiple bodies in a part. It calculates the volume of all the bodies in the part, calculates a density and then assigns the density to all the bodies.

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpenUI
Imports NXOpen.UF

' Note: This is adapted from and
' the GTAC sample called: Report each body density with units.vb

Module NXJournal

Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Dim dblMass As Double = 10.0
Dim dblVolume as Double = 0
Dim dblDensity_kg_mm3 as Double = 0
Dim dblDensity_g_cm3 as Double = 0
Dim strVolumeUnits as String
Dim iBodies(0) As IBody


lw.WriteLine("Original Body Mass Properties:")
For Each aBody As Body In workPart.Bodies

Dim mm As MeasureManager = workPart.MeasureManager()
iBodies(0) = aBody

Dim massUnits(4) As Unit
massUnits(0) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Area")
massUnits(1) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Volume")
massUnits(2) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Mass")
massUnits(3) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Length")

Dim mb As MeasureBodies = mm.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, iBodies)

lw.WriteLine(aBody.ToString() & ":")
lw.WriteLine("Volume = " & mb.Volume.ToString() & " " & massUnits(1).Abbreviation())
lw.WriteLine("Current Mass = " & mb.Mass.ToString() & " " & massUnits(2).Abbreviation())

dblVolume = dblVolume + mb.Volume
strVolumeUnits = massUnits(1).Abbreviation()

lw.WriteLine("Total Volume of All Bodies = " & dblVolume.ToString() & " " & strVolumeUnits)

' Input the Mass
dblMass = NXInputBox.GetInputNumber("Mass (kg):", "Input Mass (kg)", dblMass)
Catch ex as Exception
MsgBox("Okay, be that way. Cancelled!", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End Try

lw.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "New Density:")
' Calculate the New Density
dblDensity_kg_mm3 = dblMass/dblVolume
dblDensity_g_cm3 = dblDensity_kg_mm3 * 1000000
lw.WriteLine(dblDensity_kg_mm3.ToString() & " " & "kg/mm^3")
lw.WriteLine(dblDensity_g_cm3.ToString() & " " & "g/cm^3")

' Apply the Density to the body
For Each obj As Body In theSession.Parts.Work.Bodies
If TypeOf obj Is Body Then
ufs.Modl.SetBodyDensity(obj.Tag,UFModl.DensityUnits.GramsCentimeters, dblDensity_g_cm3)
End If

' Update Mass Data
' Adapted from ThorA Posting
Dim objects2(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
objects2(0) = workPart
Dim massPropertiesBuilder1 As NXOpen.MassPropertiesBuilder
massPropertiesBuilder1 = workPart.PropertiesManager.CreateMassPropertiesBuilder(objects2)
massPropertiesBuilder1.LoadPartialComponents = True
massPropertiesBuilder1.Accuracy = 0.99
massPropertiesBuilder1.UpdateOnSave = NXOpen.MassPropertiesBuilder.UpdateOptions.Yes

' Dump out new mass
dblVolume = 0
lw.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "New Body Mass Properties:")
For Each aBody As Body In workPart.Bodies

Dim mm As MeasureManager = workPart.MeasureManager()
iBodies(0) = aBody

Dim massUnits(4) As Unit
massUnits(0) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Area")
massUnits(1) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Volume")
massUnits(2) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Mass")
massUnits(3) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Length")

Dim mb As MeasureBodies = mm.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, iBodies)

lw.WriteLine(aBody.ToString() & ":")
lw.WriteLine("Current Mass = " & mb.Mass.ToString() & " " & massUnits(2).Abbreviation())

dblVolume = dblVolume + mb.Volume
strVolumeUnits = massUnits(1).Abbreviation()


End Sub

End Module
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