that's how I read it to ... fly a level pass, noting the MSL altimeter reading that corresponds with 350' AGL ( ie what is the height above sealevel of the ground)
Best (grammatical) approach to reduce confusion would have been "While flying a level pass, mark the MSL altimeter that corresponds to 350 ft AGL on the RADAR altimeter"
does "mark" mean "record" or "note and remember" or physically mark (like setting a bug) the altimeter ?
Of course it doesn't mean "mark with a permanent marker" (nor even an impermanent one).
Actually I think the whole statement is "messed up". I think the objective is to determine how high the ground is (above sealevel) ... so record the difference between the Rad Alt reading (above ground) and the (pressure) altimeter reading (above sealevel) once the altimeter is corrected for local air pressure ... at "any" altitude (not 350 ft).