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Permanent Truss Bracing

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Aug 17, 2004
I'm going to be entirely upfront here and point out that I am a relatively new Structural Intern. As such I often find myself surprised by accepted practice and the occational rediculous "generally accepted practice" that doesn't really work at all.

My question is this: How do you handle the refusal of the wood truss manufacturers to design and take responsibility for the permanent truss bracing system?

A little bit on my overall understanding, perhaps for edification, perhaps for rebuttal, but here it is:

Wood trusses are typically spec'd by the building designer as trusses @ x dist. o.c. and in a given direction, with requisite design loads. From there the truss supplier runs their truss plate manufacturer produced software following (if you're lucky) your truss layout and inputing your required loads.

The software provided by the plate manufacturer outputs locations of lateral support for given members. This is of course to reduce the effective unsupported length of members in compression and enable a more efficient design. Also, they are looking to eliminate the need for t-bracing of members, since this makes staking the trusses more complex and difficult, if not (as is sometimes the case) impossible.

From here, the contractors (nearly always) interpret the bracing requirement to mean simply installing the bracing shown on the drawings (typically 2x3 or 2x4 perpendicular to the truss between similar trusses throughout) between the trusses and leaving it there. I would question the ability to get just a small number of nails to work, let alone take the loads which would normally be present. And let's not even get into a discussion of load paths and/or the fact that you can't connect two laterally unstable systems together with a single simple connection and magically call them braced. Two laterally unsupported wall are still laterally unsupported if you connect them together with a simple 2x4 and a few nails, and so are trusses!

Nearly all of the literature out there seems to be very biased in favour of the truss plate manufacturers who seem to just want this problem to go away without their further consideration, expense or effort. A really good example of this can be found in Dr. Frank E. Woeste's paper "Wood Truss Bracing" which can be found at .
obviously a very competent man, I find no fault in his presentation of the problem at hand, but I do find a great deal of fault with the paper. How is the engineer of record on the project supposed to design the lateral bracing system without knowing the types of trusses being used? And if this is the format we are to follow, who will pay for the additional consulting fees? Why should we recommend or specify the use of wood trusses to a client when the steel truss manufacturers have been handling this problem and giving guidance on it for decades? And really, it is difficult enough to keep the truss manufacturers from deviating from our truss layouts (which can of course mean a shift in point loads and all sorts of unforseen complications).

I have spent some time looking into this design issue, since I have no wish to specify a system without understanding it's functioning, and have come to two possible reasons for why this does indeed seem to work in the real world:

1. The wood sheathing screwed to the trusses is acting as shear panels, which are taking loads from the various members being braced together as simple beams. The loads are thus transfered down to the sidewalls and through the walls to the foundation.

2. The drywall on the underside of the trusses is effecting the same load path as above, simply on the horizontal.

Now, there are many things in our everyday lives that do simply work and have worked and will probably continue to wok for a long time. Hoewever, that is not what engineers do or what our profession is about. We are here to ensure the safety of a structure. To give the client the most economical design possible. To defend the safety of the layman against unsafe or unscrupulous workmanship. And even if this system does work, the "shear panel" and the "underside drywall" suggestions are only qualitative models of what makes this work, not quantitative solutions for the given system. And I certainly have no interest in being the one left holding the short end of the rope when something does "just happen" to go wrong. On top of it all, without further reasearch or guidance, it would be impossible to predict when the current "it just works" solution could fail.

Hopefully some of you guys can explain all of this to me. And if you've gotten this far, thank you very much for sticking it out. Sorry for the long read.
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Permanent lateral bracing (bracing intended to stay in place and transfer lateral loads) is the responsibility of the engineer of record (EOR). The bracing shown on pre-engineered shop drawings is bracing assumed by the truss designer to brace the bottom chord of the truss. It serves no other purpose.
The EOR is responsible for the permanent lateral bracing because that person alone knows the lateral load path and the lateral loads to be resisted.
The truss supplier is providing a vertical load bearing member designed according to the specifications or loads given by the EOR.
Review the load path for a wind load on a building. Wind acts on a wall. Load goes to the roof and foundation. From the roof, the load goes to the side walls and down to the foundation. If there is some intermediate bracing detween the side walls to help transfer wind load to another force resisting element, it is the EOR's responsibility to design it.
I appreciate the rapid responce Sperling, however the fundamental problem remains. I'm not talking about the bracing required against wind loads, where I of course see the good sence in their being the responsibility of the EOR. Wind loads are typically quite easy to transfer into the roof diaphram and then down through the rest of the structural system. Rather it is the the premanent bracing required in lieu of t-bracing on compression members within the truss system that are of concern to me.

I recognize, and fully accept, that the responsibility for tranfering live wind loads to the foundation should remain with the EOR. However I don't see responsibility for the internal bracing of truss system members as being appropriately placed at the feet of the EOR.

Thanks in advance...
youngstructural, not so much cause for concern. I have been designing apartment buildings, tract and custom homes for 26 years, and have never seen a collapse caused by inadequate bracing (that is, after the house was completed).
The only thing that I am responsible for is the gable end roof truss bracing detail, which is a standard detail shown on my drawings (I am the EOR)
Are we talking about the same thing?
Bracing (to prevent buckling, reduce the un-supportted length) that is shown on the truss shop drawings should be designed by the truss designer. The truss supplier is trying to get you to design this bracing?
young, I have seen truss calculation submittals that have shown strongbacks, bridging, T-bracing, etc....have never been "asked" by the truss mfr to specify those on my Contract Drawings.
I have never had to design the bracing but I typically show a generic call-out of bracing and specify to refer to the truss engineer for details. Most of the truss engineering submittals I have reviewed have showed this bracing. The EOR doesn't have access to the software that the truss engineer uses nor typically the loads and design procedures, it is the truss engineer's responsibility to design bracing for lateral stability of the truss members in compression. In reality you are probably right about why things work in the real world that don't work on paper. The ceiling finish can take a bit of horizontal force and so on. I like what you said about connecting laterally unstable systems together and poof! they are magically stable. Load path? What's that?

As I've made my way up to my 3 years out of my BS, I've noticed several things like that. It seems that some of the more experienced engineers I've met don't mind arm-waiving and voo-doo engineering. If it has worked for 50 years it will work tomorrow right? Sometimes we forget that things work for so long only because they haven't encountered a design event such as a strong hurricane or earthquake to really give it a test. You will find many things like this, young, as you go along.
First off, 'Thanks for the comments...

UcfSE, I know exactly what you mean. More and more some of what we do seems like voodoo, but you know what... I think most of the time that's okay. There are some things that have worked and really do work (such as a maximum notch out of a joist... Really you've butchered the joist, but in the field, she keeps working!). My problem here is that it is just too complex of an issue to be certain of it working all of the time, and especially since the truss manufacturers seem to be making an extra special effort to pass the buck. These are, after all, the people with the research and who are experts in these systems. How are we to know where the lateral members requiring bracing are, let alone design them? Yes, we do get shopdrawings for the trusses, but like you said, there isn't even enough information (loads, hello?) to do the design.

My solution, and one that I have gotten support for from even the voo-doo engineers (whom I truly, honestly respect since it's the plethora of experience, not really voodoo in the works here), is to specify the use of t-bracing in lieu of simple bridging on all truss members requiring bracing in the weak axis. With a little care to how to transport and stack, this is entirely feasible, and a number of contractors I have dealt with have pointed out that since they get to subtract the cost of design for permanent truss bracing out of a consultant's office, it's actually cheaper.

Thanks for your comments everyone. Really helps think this through, and calm my inexperienced nerves too!
Being a practitioner of "Voodoo" engineering, I would like to object to this derogatory term. I have plenty of experience, which tells me to worry about important things, not silly trivial issues. The truss bottom chords are amply supported by the attachment of the ceiling board. There are plenty of redundant systems of resistance against collapse/instability in most structures. We engineers just get uncomfy because we can't devise a scientific, quantatative (sp?) calculation to everything that worries us.
What typically happens when we worry about small issues, is we overlook the big errors.
Since I work in the wood industry, I know you will get a large range of opinions regarding this topic. You can probably find some of those opinions if you search past postings of this forum's data base.

Most press plate truss manufacturers consider their product to be a componet. A component which the EOR has specified for use as part of the building system. Most truss plants want to be in the business of producing trusses, they do not want to be in the business of providing structural design of the system.

As a structural engineer, I am not sure I agree with them although I can understand their point of view. A large volume of press plate trusses are used for single family housing. However with the growth of the industry more and more trusses are being used in commercial buildings such as banks, shopping centers and large warehouses. These larger projects require more engineering. Engineering which some truss plants are able to provide but a lot can't.

In the past I've handled it by the way I have specified the requirements on the structural drawings. While doing that I was often told by the truss supplier that they do not provide the services specified. My response was that it didn't matter to me who supplied the trusses however the requirements of the specifications would have to be met before I would approve the truss shop drawings.

Along the same lines however I have a question regarding bar joists which I consider similar to press plate trusses. When you specify open web joists do you place the same requirements for designing permanent bracing and other items as you do for press plate trusses?

FalsePresision: I have all the respect in the world for your voodoo, and will refer to it with any terminology you prefer, just let me know... If you will notice above, I did call it "experience". Anyways, this is just one of those things that gets to me, and like RARSWC said, there seem to be alot of opinions. And I even recognize that it's probably not something of great concern, but when I see the truss plate guys doing everything they can to distance themselves from it, it makes me very uncomfortable, not just a little. Oh, and I'm not some silly number cruncher, I would never worry about the bottom chords in uplift so long as they are sheathed in drywall. I recognize that will always work fine... it's the free space travelling laterals in compression that I am talking about.

Maybe I'll just put my money where my curiosity/discomfort is and see if I can make it my thesis when I start my master's degree in September. In the mean time, our firm (at which, I reiterate, I am a lowly Intern just working at my future competency) handles this in exactly the same way RARSWC does; Specify, review shop drawings and reject if it does not meet the specs.

Thanks again all... I'm really looking forward to reading the posts that I am sure will keep comming for a while. Oh, and FalsePrecision, I would trust your experience over my calculations anyday. I DO respect what others can stamp out of previous experience, and I realise the big picture is much more important (ie: overall building stability/safety issues) it's just nice to see the research to back it up. The most senior engineer in our firm calls me "European" in my engineering because I worry about every detail and try to explain them all away; totally ignoring any gut feeling. The truth is, I just don't trust my gut yet.
young - no problem... I do have a sense of humor. What do you mean by "free space travelling laterals"?
The truss calcs I review always show requirements for strongbacks, bridging, etc. At any rate, the EOR isn't one bit responsible for the accidental omission of the same. If you read your Truss Calculation and Layout shop drawing approval stamp, it should have the necessary disclaimers for the same.

Rarswc: The EOR always shows required steel joist bridging per the SJI Specs on the Contract Drawings. It may seem contradictory to my rant above regarding wood trusses, but it makes sense to me.
Precision: By "free space travelling lateral members" I was really talking about the web members... or anything not sheathed. Of course, sheathing would provide more than enough lateral stability, but there is still the overall load path argument.

I was discussing this subject just now with the other engineers in the office (lunch time shop talk) and a few interesting points were brought up:

1. As things are now, with the EOR being expected to design the permanent bracing/bridging and lateral load paths, this leaves smaller projects which do not have engineers on board without. The end result (at least in the American Tornado zones) of many, many small building and light construction failures which start with the failure of the gable end truss due to lateral wind loads.

2. If the steel industry accepts this responvcibility, and designs a roof system, rather than the individual componentas, is it not a problem of design methodology? Isn't it the fact that the wood truss industry is being allowed to "design as a component only" that causes the problem? These leaves too much confusion for overall responcibility, and too little accountability for errors and ommisions.

Thanks again all.

I copied this from a previous thread:

The Idaho PE board issued a statement recently where they propose a more "proper" format for wood trusses (whether gluelam or pressed gangnail:

Basis of Design

1. Premanufactured roof trusses are an engineered system - that is, each truss has a specified location in the overall structural system.

2. The premanufactured roof truss system is both a vertical and lateral load system.

3. The lateral load forces must be developed by the EOR and given to the truss engineer to design (drag truss load, collectors, etc.).

4. All truss-to-truss connections are the responsibility of the truss engineer.

5. All drag load (horizontal truss transfers) connections between the truss and the structure are the responsibility of the EOR.

6. All truss-to-structure (walls or beams) connections are the responsibility of the EOR.

7. It is the responsibility of the truss engineer to develop the loading required to implement the requirements of snow load Appendix A.

8. It is the responsibility of the truss engineer to review all of the EOR’s design specifications, roof truss support, and drag details and to incorporate these requirements into the engineering design of the roof truss system.

Required Information from Truss Engineer:

The truss engineer should develop a truss layout plan for the truss system that clearly indicates the truss vertical support conditions, truss-to-truss connections, drag trusses and collectors, and any other field-installed reinforcement, including field-installed top chord reinforcement at eaves necessary to execute the truss system design. The truss roof framing plan should be sealed by the truss engineer and be included with the individual truss cut sheets. The truss engineer should also provide proper supervision of any truss company technicians.
Interesting... Not wholly what I would have hoped for, but certainly something I could live with. It would be interesting to know if anything similar has beem decided by the PEO here in Ontario.

Thanks JAE.
JAE's response with Idaho's stance is the way things are in my area. I also think there is a truss association that published guidelines similar to what Idaho's stance is. Looking for it now.
I agree with the 8-points of the Idaho Board.
Looking at point #6 of the Idaho Board (JAE's post above), and comment #1 of young's post just above JAE's post, the support of the top of the exterior wall at a gable end roof condition should ALWAYS be the EOR responsibility. Once again, the gable end truss bracing detail is a standard detail on the EOR's drawings.
If the local building department doesn't have the technical ability to check projects submittals for this issue where forces are high due to hurricane/tornadoes, they should do something about their deficencies. Or perhaps, in the case of tornadoes, the forces are unpredictably huge, and it is impossible to provide a good detail at gable end. In that case, masonry wall construction should be mandated.
Those points posted by JAE are how it is in my area as well. The truss engineer designs truss "stuff" and the EOR takes it from there. Steel joists have their own required bracing by their catalog and designation. We just need to remember to provide details for the connection of the bracing to the structure.

Young, I can say that I felt the same when I started. You can't rely on your gut feeling when you have no gut feeling at first. As you go along with time you will find there are things you can accept with the voodoo method and things you can't. It just comes with experience and knowing when yuo should and shouldn't check or quantify rather than qualify. Personally I have a problem with pre-engineered metal buidling footing when I'm told to take "x" amount of slab for uplift also. It's easy enough to cast bones and say do that but you should check that assumption too. I've heard the excuse that the anchor bolts will fail before the slab picks up so the footing size doesn't matter much. Needless to say that didn't set well with me lol.
This is an interesting discussion. Let me add to it. Yes, even in texas we are supposed to incorporate all the loading the EOR specifies in his plans. We send a set of truss calcs and a layout sheet for EOR approval too.
I am no expert, but here is my take on the various issues involved. I am designing trusses for high wind and also some seismic areas. So these points I make are with a thought to all these extreme conditions too.

The question of lateral bracing has been thrown around a lot. The location of the lateral bracing in compression members not sheathed as mentioned earlier in the discussion is provided in the truss drawing. As Youngstruc rightly points out, this bracing is no good till it is connected via a load path to the foundation. Once this lateral bracing reaches the wall or any other part of the structure it is the EOR's responsibility - which is precisely why the truss mfr only locates the position and not actually design the connections.
Another point to note is the flow of information. The truss mfr is a component mfr, like somebody who makes your refrigerator. He can tell you where you need to support and what are the forces, but the owner needs to decide how big a kitchen what flooring etc. same way, the calcs are provided by the truss mfr, after that the EOR has the overall design of the building and hence becomes resposible for the system as a whole.
Another fact that youngstruc mentioned is the truss manufacturers change the framing. I have seen in 90% of the structural engineering framing plans that we get that the EOR has no practical knowledge of what the mfg limitations, transportation limitations are. For example if a truss ends up being more than 13' say, you can't ship it - so what do you do, you make it in 2 pcs, a base and a cap. The truss mfr gives the connection details. Same way, Large humungous hip trusses are a great favourite of EOR's (more than 12 or 14 feet set back) - won't work in real life, how will you connect the corner to the hip truss. So for these and other considerations, the truss mfrs change the framing a little, without affecting the main load paths. I have had EOR's make me design a 60'long, 14' tall drag truss which has more chances of being damaged in transportation than the chance of sun rising every day. Design for manufacturability is a major issue in any design.

Another point that Youngstruc asked why not use steel. Sure, why not, because it is only 5 times more expensive than wood.

Truss design is an engineering(practice + science) solution not a scientific solution(precise science only), so a lot of the "Voodoo" is not Voodoo at all, it is practicality in action. So If u understand both sides of the issue, design and manufacuring, a lot of these questions become non-issues.

Another point I saw being discussed is why should the truss mfr get away with designing just the component and not the system. The "system" is the building, and unless the structural engineer of record and the truss engineer are the same person, the logistics of this is almost impossible. The person who mentioned this point also mentioned that small buidlings go without proper design and fail. There are prescriptive solutions which are supposed to be implemented - these prescriptions come from years of knowledge from various engineers and some code regulations. After all wind, seismic and snow loading is based on statistical data, and thus carry a certain "Voodoo" in them too.

The current style is, once the EOR has a preliminary design from the truss mfr, they tend to recommend the bracing of the building. It works very well.
Hope that touches all of the points discussed in this forum.
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