- May 1, 2017
- 31
Hello All.
Need some assistance with how to adjust this journal. Currently, this journal brings in the designated IGES file as a number of bodies. I would like it if this could be adjusted to also sew these bodies together, but I'm stuck on what to add. Any help would be great.
Below, I've essentially just copied part of what is in a journal we currently use. Hopefully I didn't miss anything that would need to be referenced for the task I am requesting, but if I did, please let me know and I will find the necessary information.
Thanks in advance!
Need some assistance with how to adjust this journal. Currently, this journal brings in the designated IGES file as a number of bodies. I would like it if this could be adjusted to also sew these bodies together, but I'm stuck on what to add. Any help would be great.
Below, I've essentially just copied part of what is in a journal we currently use. Hopefully I didn't miss anything that would need to be referenced for the task I am requesting, but if I did, please let me know and I will find the necessary information.
Thanks in advance!
' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: File->Save As...
' ----------------------------------------------
Dim partSaveStatus3 As PartSaveStatus
partSaveStatus3 = workPart.SaveAs(currentPath & "\" & currentFile & " Insert Name Here")
Dim currentPathAppDwu as string
Dim currentFileAppDwu as string
'currentFile = GetFilePath() & GetFileName() & ".prt"
currentPathAppDwu = GetFilePath()
currentFileAppDwu = GetFileName()
' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: File->Import->IGES...
' ----------------------------------------------
Dim markId9 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId9 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Start")
Dim igesImporter1 As IgesImporter
igesImporter1 = theSession.DexManager.CreateIgesImporter()
igesImporter1.CopiousData = IgesImporter.CopiousDataEnum.LinearNURBSpline
igesImporter1.SmoothBSurf = True
igesImporter1.LayerDefault = 1
igesImporter1.GeomFixupTol = 0.0127
igesImporter1.InputFile = currentPath & "\" & currentFile & " DWU.igs"
'Original Iges import setings file
'igesImporter1.SettingsFile = "D:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.0\iges\igesimport.def"
'igesImporter1.SettingsFile = DriveLetter & ":\WORKING PRT FILES for FRAME Design\Automation Tasks\igesimport.def"
igesImporter1.ObjectTypes.Curves = True
igesImporter1.ObjectTypes.Surfaces = True
igesImporter1.ObjectTypes.Solids = True
igesImporter1.ObjectTypes.Annotations = True
igesImporter1.ObjectTypes.Structures = True
igesImporter1.SimplifyGeometry = True
igesImporter1.LayerDefault = 1
igesImporter1.InputFile = ""
theSession.SetUndoMarkName(markId9, "Import from IGES Options Dialog")
igesImporter1.InputFile = currentPath & "\" & currentFile & " DWU.igs"
igesImporter1.OutputFile = currentPath & "\" & currentFile & " DWU.prt"
Dim markId10 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId10 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Invisible, "Import from IGES Options")
igesImporter1.FileOpenFlag = False
igesImporter1.LayerMask = "0-99999"
Dim nXObject4 As NXObject
nXObject4 = igesImporter1.Commit()
theSession.DeleteUndoMark(markId10, Nothing)
theSession.SetUndoMarkName(markId9, "Import from IGES Options")