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Shortcut toolbar NX9.0 3

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Sep 14, 2006

Is there a way to turn off the new shortcut toolbar in NX9.0 graphic window?
Whenever I left click the mouse in the graphics window it shows the shortcut toolbar, I would like to disable this behavior if possible.

Other than this little annoyance I am so far liking the ribbon UI.

Rick D

Win7 64 bit w/NX7.5 and NX8.5
Vericut 7.2
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It's actually not new, it was just empty in previous releases so didn't show (and most didn't know it existed).

RMB on any border area and select customize.
Select the Shortcuts tab
Select View Type
On the view toolbar that appears on screen, click the menu (triangle) and deselect all options.

The toolbar, will now not appear.

At first I didn't lie it either but now have customized it to commands I prefer there.
That's EXACTLY the reason why it's now showing-up in NX 9.0, because in NX 8.5 (where Shortcut Toolbars were first implemented) as deedub777 noted, he didn't even know that there was a so-called 'view' Shortcut Toolbar. Now everyone will know that it exists and if they don't like it they will learn to either remove it (from someone like a deedub777 on a help site like Eng-Tips) or else they'll customize it to meet their one needs, but it will NOT be overlooked!!!!

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
I am more of a shortcut key & macro guy myself, so mapping functions or macros to buttons on my SpacePilot, mouse, and quick keys on my keyboard are more natural for me.
So when a new function is created to help speed things up for some (I this case, in the form of the popup shortcut), it ends up driving me insane.
deedub777 - Your method to disable the popup shortcut bar only works for that particular feature when you deselect the objects in within the view drop-down. Meaning that if you were to disable all on 'curves', you would have to repeat the process on every single selectable feature in UG. (Which I have done)
That would be justifiable for someone that sits in front of a monitor starring at UG for 8 to 10 hours a day IF it actually worked...
If you disable all popups for all features and then you select more than one type of feature guess what pops up? Yup, a shortcut toolbar! With two shortcuts 'hide' and 'delete'. Oh, and if you select multiple features and go to the customize => Shortcuts => View there are no options to De-select!

To prove it I have attached a screenshot after all view options are disabled for all features, I selected an arc, spline, and a sheet body and the popup is right there next to my pointer waiting for me to accidentally click it..

Would be SOOO simple to create a control within a user pref to 'disable all shortcut popups'.

I like that the UG engineers are trying to implement new features that will improve the user experience, but I think they should be optional in some cases. I mean I love cruise control in my car sometimes, but most of the time I don't use it.. and look, they made a nice little switch to enable/disable it!

Until I find a way to eliminate it completely I will have to continue selecting features in the anti-clockwise direction in order to avoid accidentally clicking the 'delete' shortcut mid way, having to click cancel to the delete prompt, and start selecting them again.

Also - If you have 'disabled' the shortcut popup for a certain feature, when you select a feature of that type but decide you made an error and want to cancel that operation by pressing [ESC] key, you have to hit it twice. Its like a hidden sub menu is still open that you have to Esc from before you can cancel the selection. Not a huge problem, but coupled with the rest of it...
Just "Updated" to NX9, having the same problem. This is really irritating in the same way that the selection intent box that appears is irritating. eg, click offset face, click the fist selection and BAM! near pointless box top right. Especially bad if you want to select faces that are diagonally up and to the right.

Pro choice, would love if we could turn these off some how?
Would be nice if it was an option! The "Selection Intent" box that pops up is extremely frustrating. As a surfacing designer, I have to offset surfaces, trim and extend, and sew surfaces all day long. Less than 1% of these surfaces/edges can be extended together, yet a little friendly box pops up exactly where I want to click on the next surface/edge asking me if I want to select -single-, -connected-, or -tangent- curves! WTF, I already chose -single- curve from the [Curve Rule] drop down inside the [SELECTION] toolbar, why the F does it need to ask me after every click. If you hover over the Curve Rule drop down it states "Defines behavior for how curves are selected and remembered" *Cough* Liar *Cough*

I know, its just a little box and I should just click around it right, but when I am firing off 200 clicks a minute that little bastard starts to remind me of a toddler watching me work on my car.. "But why?", "need this?", "can I help?" "are you sure?" "whats this do?" "But why?" "now need this?"
Its getting to the point that I am just going to have to sit down and find the time to dissect this program and disable it internally. If our customers weren't demanding that we stay at the same version level they are at, I would roll our whole shop back to before that little box was created. Every one of our designers hate it with a passion.
Simple solution? Add this;

Exactly WHEN are you getting this 'Selection Intent' pop-up? Can you create a little video showing it? I ask because when I SELECT a surface edge in something 'Trim and Extend' I don't get any sort of 'Selection Intent' pop-up. Now if I hover over an edge (NOT selecting it) and press MB3, then I get the 'Selection Intent' pop-up, but then I've indicated, by pressing MB3, that perhaps I might want to change what the current 'Curve Rule' is set to and it might be easier to change it in the pop-up then dragging my cursor up to the 'Curve Rule' widget in the Selection Bar and change it there. Also note that the 'Shortcut Toolbar' ONLY pops-up when you're selecting an object on the screen while NOT inside of some function. If you had selected the function first, then NO 'Shortcut'. Besides, you can always hide it by selecting the 'F3' key.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
I have attached a video of the box that drives us crazy. My mistake - Although the selection intent box should have a disable feature too, it is not the one that pops up mid-selection within a function. Since it doesn't have a hover-over name, I can only describe it as a curve rule popup box since that is what it controls. Does the F3 key hide this little box permanently without hiding other needed popup entry widgets?

Also, your suggestion to hit F3 to hide the box does not work in our case as F3 was long ago reassigned as an export to IGES shortcut. Do you know what command the default F3 key was tied to so I can assign it another?
OK, I see what you mean. That generally only occurs when the 'Curve Rule' is set to 'Single Curve' since the assumption was that since that is both the initial default and the least efficient 'rule' when users might be selecting more than one edge, that a user, after making a selection, might decide that that was NOT what they wanted, they could easily make a change to some other more efficient 'Rule'. And NO, there is no way that I'm aware of to avoid having this item displayed when in 'Single Curve' mode.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Well in my opinion, that is a horrible assumption! Yes, in a perfect world where surfaces are all connected flawlessly with edges tangent to each other, the single curve selection would be the least efficient.. But in the world of surfacing this is hardly, if ever the norm! Plus, in the rare occasion that I can use the 'tangent-to' or 'connected' curves option I can simply move my mouse 2 inches up and select the appropriate option from the standard curve rule drop-down.. even if I am mid selection!
The best analogy I can come up with is that its like having another turn signal appear ON your steering wheel every time you turn, just in case you want to change your mind mid-turn but are too lazy to reach over and change the normal boring one which you already flipped one way or the other... Whats the point? Most importantly, why cant I turn it off?
Did the coding guy take a shortcut and piggy back it off the existing widget feature, thereby making all widgets an 'all-or-nothing' option?

My company just got NX 9 installed and I find myself also being really annoyed that UG wants me to accidentally delete features, surfaces or whatever I happen to click on by giving me a quick access pop up toolbar that has the functions "suppress, hide and delete". Have you found a solution to this problem? Having to be aware of the order in which I select multiple items (ie counter clockwise) so as not to accidentally delete something is going to be a real pain.

Yes, just use Customize to remove the 'Delete' options from the Shortcut Toolbars.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Thanks, but that isn't helpful. The quick access toolbar in question doesn't pop up under the customization menu. I've attached some files to try to illustrate the issue. The photos/screenshots are as follows:

001.png is the toolbar that appears if you LMB in empty space
002.png is the customization menus, wherein you can see upper left, the toolbar that appears with LMB in empty space, then to the right of it, the toolbar that appears with RMB in empty space
003.png is the toolbar that appears if you RMB in empty space
004.png is the toolbar that appears if you LMB on any feature from inside the modeling environment. This toolbar isn't always the same, but the delete button on the right is ALWAYS there. Sometimes it's 3 buttons + delete, sometimes it's only delete, but it is always there. You don't run into this if you click on features, surfaces, or bodies from the part feature tree, but it always pops up if you select things from inside the modeling environment with LMB.

OK, with a model open that contains things like dumb curves, bodies with features, etc, go into Customize and then select the 'Shortcut' tab. Now while in this mode, actually select a curve and note that you will get the Shortcut Toolbar for a curve, which includes the 'Delete' option. OK, now simply remove it. Do the same for a Feature, a Component or any other class of objects that you would like to remove the 'Delete' option from, or for that matter, ANY of the 'object specific' Shortcut Toolbar itmes that you'd like to remove. And note that this procedure will also allow you to ADD your own 'object specific' items to any of the Shortcut Toolbars. Once you're finished with these edits and you leave Customize, make sure that you save your Role so as to not lose any of your changes.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Thanks. Since the toolbar wouldn't pop up when I go into the customization options, I didn't realize you could force it to appear by clicking on an object with the custom menu open. Hooray!!
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