Pavan Kumar
- Aug 27, 2019
- 367
Hi All,
I need guidance to know if the way I am calculating the pressure upstream and downstream of a steam control valve for three different flow rates for its specification is correct or not.
The system sketch is attached.
I have to specify a Steam Control valve that controls steam flow to a Butane Vaporizer, through a steam bundle, that vaporizes liquid butane to vapor butane. The butane vaporizer has a Steam bundle immersed in liquid butane supplied from the bottom nozzle. The Steam control valve supplies steam to the Steam bundle at the desired opening which is controlled by the butane vaporizer pressure. The desired vaporizer pressure is 55 psig. The min, normal and max liquid butane flow rates are 10, 36 and 40 gpm respectively.
Taking the normal flow rate case, I determined that the required steam flow rate is 2659.38 lb/hr of superheated steam at 50 psig. As you can see in the sketch the steam is supplied to the control valve from the 265 psig Saturated (HP) steam header through a pressure let down regulator that is set to reduce the steam pressure from 265 to 70 psig pressure. Then there is a 80 ft long 3" Sch 40 [pipe between the let down regulator and the steam control valve. There is 2 feet of 3" sch 40 pipe between the downstream of the control valve and the steam bundle.
A) To calculate the steam pressure and temperature at the control valve inlet, I calculated the following :
1. I calculated the Steam super heat temperature for isenthalpic expansion from 265 psig to 70 psig to be 175.79 Deg C
2. I calculated the heat loss from the 3" sch 40 pipe with 2" mineral wool insulation and it is 7472.6 Btu/hr after considering the resistance of ambient air at 21.1 Deg C ( 70 Deg F).
3. I calculated the steam pressure prop using isothermal flow equation and calculated it as
1.5 psi. This means the steam pressure at the Control valve inlet is 70-1.5 =68.5 psig.
4. The specific enthalpy of Superheated steam at 70 psig is 1202.49 Btu/lb. Substracting the heat loss of 7472.6 from the heat content of steam at 70 psig ( 1202.49 Btu/lb)flowing at 2659.38 lb/hr, I get the specific enthalpy at the control valve inlet as 1199.68 Btu/lb
Specific enthalpy at Control valve inlet= Heat content of 70 psig superheated steam - Heat loss
= (2659.38*1202.49-7472.6)/ 23659.38 = 1199.68 Btu/lb
Knowing the steam pressure = 68.5 psig and specific enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb at control valve inlet I get the steam condition to be superheated with superheat temperature to be 172.68 Deg C.
So at the control valve inlet:
Flow Rate = 2659.38 lb/hr
Pressure = 68.5 psig
Temperature = 172.68 Deg C
Specific Enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb
Condition = Superheated.
B)To Calculate the Steam pressure and temperature at control valve outlet:
1. I fixed the pressure at the steam bundle as 50 psig and then back calculated the pressure drop for the flow of 26549.38 lb/hr to be 0.78 psi. So the pressure at the control valve outlet is 50.78 psig. With the steam expansion across the control valve being isenthalpic, the specific enthalpy at the control valve outlet is also 1199.68 Btu/lb
2. Calculated the heat loss in 3 feet of 3" sch 40 outlet pipe for 2659.38 lb/hr as 267.9 Btu/hr.
3. This gives the condition of steam at the bundle inlet to be 1199.579 Btu/lb. At 50 psig and 1199.579 Btu/lb the steam is superheated with temp = 168.547 Deg C.
At the bundle inlet the condition is
Pressure = 50 psig
Temp = 168.547 Deg C
Using this information for the required heat load of 2.481 MM Btu/hr required to maintain 55 psig Vaporizer pressure at 40 gpm liquid butane ( at 0 Deg C), I recalculate the required steam flow rate. Then after a couple of iterations I arrive at the following conditions at teh control valve inlet and outlet.
Case1: Butane Flow rate = 40 gpm
At Control Valve Inlet:
1. Steam flow rate = 2659.38 lb/hr.
2. Pressure = 68.5 psig
3. Temperature = 172.628 Deg C
4. Specific Enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb
5. Condition = Superheated
At Control Valve Outlet :
1. Steam flow rate = 2659.38 lb/hr.
2. Pressure = 50.78 psig
3. Temperature = 168.547 Deg C
4. Specific Enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb
5. Condition = Superheated
If this way of calculation is correct I will run the calcs for Cases 2 and 3 also and send the specification to the vendor.
Is it advisable to use polytropic process to calculate the gas pressure as opposed to isothermal / adiabatic and exclude all the pipe heat loss calculations?. There is a paper by William M. Kirkland ( attached in next message) which shows how mass flow can be calculated using polytropic approximation of compressible flow.
Your suggestions will be very helpful to me.
Thanks and Regards,
Pavan Kumar
I need guidance to know if the way I am calculating the pressure upstream and downstream of a steam control valve for three different flow rates for its specification is correct or not.
The system sketch is attached.
I have to specify a Steam Control valve that controls steam flow to a Butane Vaporizer, through a steam bundle, that vaporizes liquid butane to vapor butane. The butane vaporizer has a Steam bundle immersed in liquid butane supplied from the bottom nozzle. The Steam control valve supplies steam to the Steam bundle at the desired opening which is controlled by the butane vaporizer pressure. The desired vaporizer pressure is 55 psig. The min, normal and max liquid butane flow rates are 10, 36 and 40 gpm respectively.
Taking the normal flow rate case, I determined that the required steam flow rate is 2659.38 lb/hr of superheated steam at 50 psig. As you can see in the sketch the steam is supplied to the control valve from the 265 psig Saturated (HP) steam header through a pressure let down regulator that is set to reduce the steam pressure from 265 to 70 psig pressure. Then there is a 80 ft long 3" Sch 40 [pipe between the let down regulator and the steam control valve. There is 2 feet of 3" sch 40 pipe between the downstream of the control valve and the steam bundle.
A) To calculate the steam pressure and temperature at the control valve inlet, I calculated the following :
1. I calculated the Steam super heat temperature for isenthalpic expansion from 265 psig to 70 psig to be 175.79 Deg C
2. I calculated the heat loss from the 3" sch 40 pipe with 2" mineral wool insulation and it is 7472.6 Btu/hr after considering the resistance of ambient air at 21.1 Deg C ( 70 Deg F).
3. I calculated the steam pressure prop using isothermal flow equation and calculated it as
1.5 psi. This means the steam pressure at the Control valve inlet is 70-1.5 =68.5 psig.
4. The specific enthalpy of Superheated steam at 70 psig is 1202.49 Btu/lb. Substracting the heat loss of 7472.6 from the heat content of steam at 70 psig ( 1202.49 Btu/lb)flowing at 2659.38 lb/hr, I get the specific enthalpy at the control valve inlet as 1199.68 Btu/lb
Specific enthalpy at Control valve inlet= Heat content of 70 psig superheated steam - Heat loss
= (2659.38*1202.49-7472.6)/ 23659.38 = 1199.68 Btu/lb
Knowing the steam pressure = 68.5 psig and specific enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb at control valve inlet I get the steam condition to be superheated with superheat temperature to be 172.68 Deg C.
So at the control valve inlet:
Flow Rate = 2659.38 lb/hr
Pressure = 68.5 psig
Temperature = 172.68 Deg C
Specific Enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb
Condition = Superheated.
B)To Calculate the Steam pressure and temperature at control valve outlet:
1. I fixed the pressure at the steam bundle as 50 psig and then back calculated the pressure drop for the flow of 26549.38 lb/hr to be 0.78 psi. So the pressure at the control valve outlet is 50.78 psig. With the steam expansion across the control valve being isenthalpic, the specific enthalpy at the control valve outlet is also 1199.68 Btu/lb
2. Calculated the heat loss in 3 feet of 3" sch 40 outlet pipe for 2659.38 lb/hr as 267.9 Btu/hr.
3. This gives the condition of steam at the bundle inlet to be 1199.579 Btu/lb. At 50 psig and 1199.579 Btu/lb the steam is superheated with temp = 168.547 Deg C.
At the bundle inlet the condition is
Pressure = 50 psig
Temp = 168.547 Deg C
Using this information for the required heat load of 2.481 MM Btu/hr required to maintain 55 psig Vaporizer pressure at 40 gpm liquid butane ( at 0 Deg C), I recalculate the required steam flow rate. Then after a couple of iterations I arrive at the following conditions at teh control valve inlet and outlet.
Case1: Butane Flow rate = 40 gpm
At Control Valve Inlet:
1. Steam flow rate = 2659.38 lb/hr.
2. Pressure = 68.5 psig
3. Temperature = 172.628 Deg C
4. Specific Enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb
5. Condition = Superheated
At Control Valve Outlet :
1. Steam flow rate = 2659.38 lb/hr.
2. Pressure = 50.78 psig
3. Temperature = 168.547 Deg C
4. Specific Enthalpy = 1199.68 Btu/lb
5. Condition = Superheated
If this way of calculation is correct I will run the calcs for Cases 2 and 3 also and send the specification to the vendor.
Is it advisable to use polytropic process to calculate the gas pressure as opposed to isothermal / adiabatic and exclude all the pipe heat loss calculations?. There is a paper by William M. Kirkland ( attached in next message) which shows how mass flow can be calculated using polytropic approximation of compressible flow.
Your suggestions will be very helpful to me.
Thanks and Regards,
Pavan Kumar