- Aug 29, 2010
- 983
Without going into too many details, I am trying to figure out the requirements for using a steel truss diaphragm in high seismic regions. In particular, I am looking at examples from substantial buildings that were done with flat strap structural steel X bracing, visually I'd estimate the straps in the range of 1/2" x 6" straps. The buildings have various lfrs, from special concrete structural walls to special conc braced steel frames. The floor framing and columns are in steel, no concrete slabs and no unfilled metal deck.
I am specifically trying to make sure I understand the acceptability (or not) of tension only bracing in the diaphragm. These are being used where a tension only system would not be allowed in the main lfrs.
I am working on a project where this is being requested, and in researching it I have found very little info but I did find the examples described above which are fairly substantial buildings done by reputable firms using this sytem.
The way that I read AISC (copied below) this is not prohibited, at least not explicitly. The only relevant section that I find is copied below, and states that the diaphragm members should be designed using overstrength. There are two exceptions, but these are allowing to sidestep the overstrength factor, not specifying requirements or prohibitions on tension only bracing. Code aside, I can see an argument that tension only should be used for the same reasons it's not used in the main lfrs. But maybe if the overstrength is applied there is a line of thought that there are not the same issues with buckling/snapback etc.
FWIW I submitted the question to the solutions center and basically got back that it's up to me and not fully addressed.
AISC 341-16 (B5.2) says:
Truss Diaphragms
When a truss is used as a diaphragm, all members of the truss and their connections
shall be designed for forces calculated using the load combinations of the applicable
building code, including overstrength.
(a) The forces specified in this section need not be applied to the diagonal mem-bers
of the truss diaphragms and their connections, where these members and
connections conform to the requirements of Sections F2.4a, F2.5a, F2.5b and
F2.6c. Braces in K- or V- configurations and braces supporting gravity loads
other than self-weight are not permitted under this exception.
User Note: Chords in truss diaphragms serve a function analogous to
columns in vertical special concentrically braced frames, and should meet
the requirements for highly ductile members as required for columns in
Section F2.5a.
(b) The forces specified in this section need not be applied to truss diaphragms
designed as a part of a three-dimensional system in which the seismic
force-resisting system types consist of ordinary moment frames, ordinary con-centrically
braced frames, or combinations thereof, and truss diagonal members
conform to Sections F1.4b and F1.5 and connections conform to Section F1.6.
Here's the commentary:
Truss Diaphragms
In some structure types, a horizontal truss is used in lieu of a steel deck or compos-ite
diaphragm. In such cases, there is typically an orthogonal grid of beams with
diaphragm-shear deformations resisted by members that are diagonal in plan.
ASCE/SEI 7 does not provide prescriptive direction on how to consider horizontal
truss diaphragms. Although there is a school of thought that diagonal and cross brace
members could be allowed to buckle or hinge as a source of additional energy absorp-tion,
the Provisions requires that these elements be designed for the overstrength
seismic load in accordance with the capacity-limited design approach of the Provi-sions,
unless the exceptions of Section B5.2 are met.
Two exceptions are provided to the requirement in Section B5.2. In the first excep-tion,
the horizontal truss is expected to provide ductility. In this case the members that
are diagonal in plan are treated similarly to braces in SCBF, with the orthogonal beam
system acting as the SCBF beams and columns. Under this exception, the beams
are designed using the overstrength seismic load and the diagonal members for the
basic load combinations. The second exception is for a three-dimensional analysis for
ordinary systems (OMF and OCBF) in which the diaphragm is treated similarly to an
OCBF and the diagonal members are treated similarly to braces.
I am specifically trying to make sure I understand the acceptability (or not) of tension only bracing in the diaphragm. These are being used where a tension only system would not be allowed in the main lfrs.
I am working on a project where this is being requested, and in researching it I have found very little info but I did find the examples described above which are fairly substantial buildings done by reputable firms using this sytem.
The way that I read AISC (copied below) this is not prohibited, at least not explicitly. The only relevant section that I find is copied below, and states that the diaphragm members should be designed using overstrength. There are two exceptions, but these are allowing to sidestep the overstrength factor, not specifying requirements or prohibitions on tension only bracing. Code aside, I can see an argument that tension only should be used for the same reasons it's not used in the main lfrs. But maybe if the overstrength is applied there is a line of thought that there are not the same issues with buckling/snapback etc.
FWIW I submitted the question to the solutions center and basically got back that it's up to me and not fully addressed.
AISC 341-16 (B5.2) says:
Truss Diaphragms
When a truss is used as a diaphragm, all members of the truss and their connections
shall be designed for forces calculated using the load combinations of the applicable
building code, including overstrength.
(a) The forces specified in this section need not be applied to the diagonal mem-bers
of the truss diaphragms and their connections, where these members and
connections conform to the requirements of Sections F2.4a, F2.5a, F2.5b and
F2.6c. Braces in K- or V- configurations and braces supporting gravity loads
other than self-weight are not permitted under this exception.
User Note: Chords in truss diaphragms serve a function analogous to
columns in vertical special concentrically braced frames, and should meet
the requirements for highly ductile members as required for columns in
Section F2.5a.
(b) The forces specified in this section need not be applied to truss diaphragms
designed as a part of a three-dimensional system in which the seismic
force-resisting system types consist of ordinary moment frames, ordinary con-centrically
braced frames, or combinations thereof, and truss diagonal members
conform to Sections F1.4b and F1.5 and connections conform to Section F1.6.
Here's the commentary:
Truss Diaphragms
In some structure types, a horizontal truss is used in lieu of a steel deck or compos-ite
diaphragm. In such cases, there is typically an orthogonal grid of beams with
diaphragm-shear deformations resisted by members that are diagonal in plan.
ASCE/SEI 7 does not provide prescriptive direction on how to consider horizontal
truss diaphragms. Although there is a school of thought that diagonal and cross brace
members could be allowed to buckle or hinge as a source of additional energy absorp-tion,
the Provisions requires that these elements be designed for the overstrength
seismic load in accordance with the capacity-limited design approach of the Provi-sions,
unless the exceptions of Section B5.2 are met.
Two exceptions are provided to the requirement in Section B5.2. In the first excep-tion,
the horizontal truss is expected to provide ductility. In this case the members that
are diagonal in plan are treated similarly to braces in SCBF, with the orthogonal beam
system acting as the SCBF beams and columns. Under this exception, the beams
are designed using the overstrength seismic load and the diagonal members for the
basic load combinations. The second exception is for a three-dimensional analysis for
ordinary systems (OMF and OCBF) in which the diaphragm is treated similarly to an
OCBF and the diagonal members are treated similarly to braces.