- Jan 21, 2015
- 5
We had a Fanuc tech in our shop to fix a recurring PMC error on our FO 4020 amada laser. While he was fixing our PMC issue he ended up deleting all of our cut conditions. This isn't to big of a deal since I am very familiar with the cut conditions we had and how to replace them. My problem is two fold atm, one being the z axis does not go up to its default position after a M104 in the code. I even tried writing in a manual Z height for a test. The cut height looks fines then at the M104 line it actually drops to 0 scraping the material. Second is when doing a retract to home, my table zeroes out like it use to going to Z160.2362 Y80.7087 Z7.8740, but using a G50 command to send the home changes the zero points to Z0.000 Y0.000 Z0.000 when it use to go home to the previous values. I am hoping these are just simple parameters that I am unaware of. I did have to rezero B axis because of loss of reference. Do I need to rezero the other axis in a similar fashion or are there parameters that set to a default state that I am unware of? Any help is appreciatted.