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Turbo-Diesel Thermodynamics 101... 3

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Jul 23, 2009
I'm a retired EE, a fulltime RVer, I participate in several RV and diesel truck forums, and I'd very much appreciate a "critical review" of everything I post on this thread along with comments and suggestions for how to explain "Thermodynamics 101" to forum members who mostly have nontechnical backgrounds. As an example I need to be able to explain this equation I came up with for turbo performance and later I'll discuss several different ways to derive it using some basic thermodynamic concepts.

EGT=[AIT]x[{(0.9)(TPR^0.257)}/{(TE)(CE)(1+1/AFR)}]x[{CPR^0.283-1}/{TPR^0.257-1}] *R

The EGT=Exhaust Gas Temperature *R at the turbine inlet, AIT=Air Inlet Temperature *R at the compressor inlet, TPR=Turbine Pressure Ratio, TE=Turbine Efficiency, CE=Compressor Efficiency, AFR=Air Fuel Ratio, and CPR=Compressor Pressure Ratio. Just to make sure I typed this equation correctly I'll copy and paste it below, plug in some numbers, and do a sample calculation using TE=CE=0.7, AFR=20, CPR=3 , and TPR=2.54.

If the AP=Atmospheric Pressure is AP=14.7 psia, the AFPD=Air Filter Pressure Drop is AFPD=0.7 psi, and the ICPD=Intercooler Pressure Drop is ICPD=1.3 psi, then the BP=Boost Pressure is BP=26 psig in order to satisfy the constraint that CPR=(AP+BP+ICPD)/(AP-AFPD)=(14.7+26+1.3)/(14.7-0.7)=(42)/(14)=3.0. Assume the absolute EBP=Exhaust Back Pressure psia at the turbine inlet is equal to the absolute MAP=Manifold Air Pressure psia at the engine inlet so that EBP=MAP=AP+BP, and that the PTPD =Post Turbine Pressure Drop PTPD to the tailpipe outlet is PTPD=1.3 psi. This gives a TPR=(EBP)/(AP+PTPD)=(AP+BP)/(AP+PTPD)=(14.7+26)/(14.7+1.3)=(40.7)/(16)=2.54.

Using these values gives... EGT={AIT}x[{(0.9)(2.54^0.257)}/{(0.7)(0.7)(1+1/20)}]x[{3^0.283-1}/{2.54^0.257-1}]={AIT}x[{(0.9)(1.27)}/{(0.49)(1.05)}]x[{0.365}/{0.27}]={AIT}{(1.14)/(0.515)}{1.35}={AIT}{(2.21)(1.35)}={AIT}(2.98) EGT=(2.98)(AIT) *R and converting from *R to *F you get... EGT=(2.98)(AIT+460)=(2.98)(AIT)+911 *F.

I haven't yet built a spreadsheet with these equations to check and double check them but without going into mass production it's easy to see how higher AIT effects EGT everything else being equal.


Each 20*F increase in AIT requires a 60*F increase in EGT and this means you've got to push harder on the fuel pedal to release enough additional heat energy into the exhaust flow to increase the EGT by the 60*F that's needed to maintain the assumed compressor pressure ratio of CPR=3.

You might think this table alone would be enough to convince any reasonable person that installing an "open element" air filter directly onto their compressor inlet is a bad idea because under the hood air temperature is significantly higher than ambient. However the "diesel heads" on the sites I visit claim that their upgraded intercoolers compensate for any increases in AIT and/or that the air under their hood isn't any hotter than ambient air anyway!

Well according to the laws of Thermodynamics as the AIT increases the compressor has to work harder to achieve a given CPR at the compressor outlet and this means the turbine has to work harder to power the compressor and since the turbine is powered by the heat energy in the exhaust flow this means the EGT must increase as is predicted by my equation. Since the intercooler is downstream from the compressor it can't possibly compensate for this "increase in required EGT penalty" due to the increased workload on the compressor in maintaining a given CPR for higher AIT! The effect an intercooler has on engine inlet air density will be addressed in a future post.

Another common "myth" is that adding an intercooler will reduce the EGT but if the compressor pressure ratio is to be maintained at a given value like the CPR=3 in this example then using an intercooler actually increases the required EGT! To show this is true let's remove the intercooler and redo the above example. If you keep the compressor pressure ratio at it's original value of CPR=3 and have a ICPD=0 psi then the boost pressure increases from BP=26 psig to BP=27.3 psig as is required to keep the CPR=(14.7+27.3+0)/(14.7-0.7)=(42)/(14)=3.0 as before. Now the new TPR=(EBP)/(AP+PTPD)=(AP+BP)/(AP+PTPD)=(14.7+27.3)/(14.7+1.3)=(42)/(16)=2.63 without an intercooler versus the pervious TPR=2.54 which was the case with an intercooler.

Now... EGT={AIT}x[{(0.9)(2.63^0.257)}/{(0.7)(0.7)(1+1/20)}]x[{3^0.283-1}/{2.63^0.257-1}]={AIT}x[{(0.9)(1.28)}/{(0.49)(1.05)}]x[{0.365}/{0.28}]={AIT}{(1.15)/(0.515)}{1.35}={AIT}{(2.21)(1.30)}={AIT}(2.87) EGT=(2.87)(AIT) *R and converting from *R to *F you get... EGT=(2.87)(AIT+460)=(2.87)(AIT)+860 *F, and the revised EGT versus AIT table without an intercooler is...


Without an intercooler each 20*F increase in AIT requires a 57*F increase in EGT compared to the 60*F increase in EGT that's required with an intercooler. In order to maintain a CPR=3 with an intercooler in the loop you've got to push harder on the fuel pedal to release enough additional heat energy into the exhaust flow to increase the EGT by an amount given by... EGT=(0.11)(AIT)+51 *F which varies from an EGT increase of 59*F at an AIT=70*F to an EGT increase of 65*F at an AIT=130*F.

Since adding an intercooler decreases the boost from 27.3 psig to 26 psig and increases the EGT requirement for achieving a CPR=3 by 59*F to 65*F depending on the AIT you might think that comparing this EGT table without an intercooler to the previous EGT table which includes an intercooler would be enough to convince people to stop posting misguided claims about the effect an intercooler has on EGT. Even though the laws of Thermodynamics say that installing an intercooler will increase the EGT requirement for maintaining a given compressor pressure ratio this concept will be even harder to sell than convincing people that their flywheel torque is not what gets them up hills faster which of course is exactly what the motorhome salesman claimed when he did his sales pitch for a diesel versus a gas powered RV!

It's been posted so often on RV and diesel truck forums that increasing your MAF=Mass Air Flow lbm/min by whatever means possible will lower your EGT and make your turbo spool better and produce higher boost that this "myth" has become "common knowledge"! Well let me try to bust the "increased MAF lowers your EGT myth" and then post what I've got for now to test what the word limit is on this forum! I'll eventually give all the details of the summary below.

If you assume the parameter values used in the first example apply and consider a MAF=1 lbm/min airflow with an AIT=70*F then the FEHP=Flow Energy HP that's available at the compressor inlet due to the atmospheric pressure pushing the airflow into the inlet is FEHP=0.87 hp and at the compressor outlet a FEHP=1.30 hp is required to push the compressed airflow toward the engine. This leaves a net deficit of 1.30-0.87=0.43 hp that must be supplied by the CSHP=Compressor Shaft HP driving the compressor in order to maintain the airflow.

To compress a MAF=1 lbm/min airflow with an AIT=70*F using a CPR=3 requires that an IEHP=Internal Energy HP of IEHP=1.13 hp be added to the airflow as stored internal energy and this IEHP=1.13 hp must also be supplied by the CSHP. Thus the total required CSHP=1.13+0.43=1.56 hp and this is the exact TSHP=Turbine Shaft HP that must be supplied by the "turbine heat engine" in order to maintain a steady state compression of a MAF=1 lbm/min airflow with a CPR=3 and a compressor inlet temperature of AIT=70*F.

At the turbine inlet the FEHP that's available due to the hot exhaust gas pressure pushing the airflow into the inlet is FEHP=2.68 hp and at the turbine outlet the FEHP=2.28 hp for a net gain of 2.68-2.28=0.40 hp and this surplus FEHP=0.40 hp is supplied to the turbine output shaft as a TSHP=0.40 hp. As the hot exhaust gas cools by 236*F from a pre-turbine EGT=1,120*F to a post-turbine EGT=884*F it releases internal Heat Energy at a ft-lbf/min rate which is sufficient to supply a HEHP=1.16 hp to the turbine output shaft as an additional TSHP=1.16 hp which gives a total TSHP=0.40+1.16=1.56 hp and that's the exact amount required to power the compressor!

In the above calculations for the turbine the MGF=Mass Gas Flow lbm/min in the exhaust is given by MGF=(1+1/AFR)(MAF) and the reason that MAF doesn't appear in my EGT equation is that the required CSHP and the available TSHP are both proportional to MAF so when you set TSHP=CSHP to determine the required EGT to achieve an assumed operating condition the MAF term cancels and only the term (1+1/AFR) remains. An increase in MAF increases the compressor workload and the turbine work output by equal amounts and the EGT remains unchanged.

If you now push harder on the fuel pedal and have the reserve fuel flow to release enough additional heat energy into the exhaust flow to increase the EGT the TSHP will increase above TSHP=1.56 hp and this will drive the compressor harder and produce an increase in CPR until a new equilibrium is achieved where the required CSHP and the available TSHP are once again exactly the same value! So it's Heat Energy that spools the turbo to a higher CPR to produce a higher BP and not an increase in MAF!
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No, I'm saying you don't get better fuel economy. You can clearly increase the net power output of the engine, that's sort of the point.
there are no free lunches, thermo wins. You want more fuel economy in the set up, lower the pressure drop in the intercooler or exhaust and you'll get lower EGT too, want more power and don't care about mpg (what would you expect), cool down the air to get more power. I've don studies to use refrigerant being run by the engine to cool the inlet air to get more power, but it comes at a cost to fuel, it's all energy.

go to GE jenbacker or Wartsila web sites and read how they get the high efficency and power.
ernesteugene -

Whew! Good thing that I am involved in some boring round-the-clock duration tests, or I would never have made it through the string that you originated.

But I did, so I'll add my two cents. I think tbuelna nailed the issue most squarely. First order thermo relationships are great for a start, but there are many things that need to be considered to model the gas states in a turbocharged internal combustion engine. Many (including me) use empirically derived relationships, but that doesn't mean that these relationships are on the same plane as physical laws. And one should be very careful extrapolating empirical models.

I also agree with hemi. If by thermal efficiency he means brake thermal efficiency, then a well engineered turbodiesel system with intercooling can certainly be made to improve the efficiency over a non-intercooled system, especially when constrained by real world considerations such as NOx emissions and piston crown and ring land structural performance.


Explaining thermodynamics to non-technical people using fairly complex, mostly empirical equations is putting the cart before the horse in relation to teaching the fundamentals first. That means properties of materials, gas laws, conservation of mass, conservation of energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics -- lost even on many "experts", sadly even degreed engineers and so-called inventors) and 2nd Law of Thermidynamics -- lost on even more people.

Using an EE analogy (I am no expert), you wouldn't go into explaining the operation of electrical machines to a complete layman without first going though the basics of electric elements and their properties, circuits, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Law, Faraday's Law, etc.
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