- Oct 21, 2002
- 2
Hello all
To set my questions straight, I am studing to be a power eng. i am taking a power eng class 5 course but I have worked in Engineering dept. of a hotel for 2.5 years so I am familiar with what I need to know for the course.

My 1st question is... how the &^%# do you weld stainless steel!!! I am (blowing my own horn) good at mig welding reg steel, my work provides me with a mig and gas and stainless wire and a hand full of guys that say they know how but....
any outside help would be GREAT!
our steam boiler ( more like kettle 15psi) has a white substance floating in the water. we test the chem daily and the TDS all over the place but lately it has been sitting a 2700. and the other tests are at normal standards
what is the white stuff?
To set my questions straight, I am studing to be a power eng. i am taking a power eng class 5 course but I have worked in Engineering dept. of a hotel for 2.5 years so I am familiar with what I need to know for the course.
My 1st question is... how the &^%# do you weld stainless steel!!! I am (blowing my own horn) good at mig welding reg steel, my work provides me with a mig and gas and stainless wire and a hand full of guys that say they know how but....
any outside help would be GREAT!
our steam boiler ( more like kettle 15psi) has a white substance floating in the water. we test the chem daily and the TDS all over the place but lately it has been sitting a 2700. and the other tests are at normal standards
what is the white stuff?