- Jun 25, 2001
- 3,355
From my search, meteorological 24 hour forecasts have 86% of accuracy. 5 day forecasts have 80 % accuracy. In the north hemisphere in the beginning of summer we always hear sensionalistic announces saying that heat waves will grew up on the contrary in winter the announces are for more and more cold.
With a four month delay usually all the forecasts for Europe are inaccurate and instead of heat we have cold and also the contrary. Most of the times this inaccuracy is attributed to Azores Anticyclone dislocation versus north or versus south.
For oil refineries, for air conditioning sellers, for tourism, for fire fighting, for civil protection and for clothing is important to know in advance how will be the weather behaviour during the summer and during the winter to adjust their business planning accordingly.
With all that geo stat ional meteorological satellites and computational programmes why cannot whether forecast be more accurate beyond 5 days?