- May 13, 2002
- 104
I'm seeing some strange results from an air-core transformer - basically two coils of 30ga wire. Perhaps someone can shed some light ?
Primary coil is 170 turns of 30ga wire that was wound on a 2" dowel. The secondary is 100 turns the same way. The two coils are sitting on the desk, the secondary on top of the primary with about a 1/4" gap.
The primary is driven by an IRF540 - the gate goes via 200ohm resistor to a micro generating a 15kHz 50% duty cycle PWM signal. The Source goes to GND. The coil is across the Drain and VCC. The secondary goes through a bridge rectifier.
I'm seeing about 23Vdc across the secondary. I was expecting around 8Vdc or so. 100/170 * 14 right ? Hrmm. The 23Vdc is what works out from 170/100 * 14, so it's as if the primary and secondary are backwards.
But if I reverse them, put the 100 turns as primary and the 170 turns as secondary, it puts out around 90Vdc.
The other oddity is that I can increase the 14V up to around 30V, and the output only rises from 23V to about 27V or so.
Primary coil is 170 turns of 30ga wire that was wound on a 2" dowel. The secondary is 100 turns the same way. The two coils are sitting on the desk, the secondary on top of the primary with about a 1/4" gap.
The primary is driven by an IRF540 - the gate goes via 200ohm resistor to a micro generating a 15kHz 50% duty cycle PWM signal. The Source goes to GND. The coil is across the Drain and VCC. The secondary goes through a bridge rectifier.
I'm seeing about 23Vdc across the secondary. I was expecting around 8Vdc or so. 100/170 * 14 right ? Hrmm. The 23Vdc is what works out from 170/100 * 14, so it's as if the primary and secondary are backwards.
But if I reverse them, put the 100 turns as primary and the 170 turns as secondary, it puts out around 90Vdc.
The other oddity is that I can increase the 14V up to around 30V, and the output only rises from 23V to about 27V or so.